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The San Francisco de Borja parish in Valencia launches its new website

On the occasion of the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of its canonical erection and coinciding with the celebration of the Jubilee Year of San Francisco de Borja, granted by the Holy See; the San Francisco de Borja parish in Valencia opens your new website.

On July 15, 1941, in the postwar period, the Hon. and Rvdmo. Mr. Dr. D. Prudencio Melo y Alcalde, Archbishop of Valencia, erected a large number of parishes for the Archdiocese of Valentina, as most of the parish temples had been burned during the 1936-1939 war.

Between Gran Vía-Germanías and Avenida Peris y Valero, the parish demarcation was erected that adopted San Francisco de Borja as its owner and was dismembered from the Royal Parish of San Valero Obispo and San Vicente Mártir de Valencia. In July 1942, the Rev. Mr. Dr. D. José María Mateu Climent. The provisional headquarters of the parish was installed in the Chapel of San Pablo de la Cruz (PP. Pasionistas) on Calle Sueca 25.

On the occasion of the celebration of this anniversary and coinciding with the granting by the Holy See of the Jubilee Year in honor of its saint, the parish community of San Francisco de Borja de Valencia opens your new website.

The page has new sections; highlights a guided tour through images inside the temple, likewise, in the “History” section, an attempt has been made to collect unpublished content from its past and present: the priests who ruled it, the vocations that flourished in the parish , among many other sections.

The page was born as one more pastoral service that the community offers to the Ruzafa neighborhood. It is a website that is constantly updated, which will collect the news that arise in the parish life, as well as celebrations, events and activities with the different pastoral groups, which may be of interest to the parishioners and the people who visit it.

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