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The sadistic Myanmar military, kills more than 30 people and then burned


Myanmar military forces kill more than 30 people and burn their bodies in Kayah state, Friday (12/24/2021). Photo/National Defense Forces Karenni

YANGON – More than 30 people, including women and children, were killed by military forces Myanmar in Kayah state, on Friday (12/24/2021). Sadistic again, the bodies of the victims were burned to ashes.

The killing and burning of dozens of bodies was reported by a local resident, local media and human rights groups (HAM).

Human rights group Karenni said they found burnt bodies, including the elderly, women and children near Mo So village in Hpruso town on Saturday (25/12/2021). According to the rights group, the bodies were victims of the Myanmar military’s killings.

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“We strongly condemn the inhuman and brutal killings that violate human rights,” the group said in a Facebook post Reuters.

The Myanmar military claims they shot and killed a number of “armed terrorists”. According to state media, those killed were armed groups from the opposition stronghold in the village.

State media added that those killed were in seven vehicles and resisted military orders to stop.

The Myanmar military could not immediately be reached for comment.

Photographs shared by human rights groups and local media showed the charred remains of the burning truck.

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