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The sad sunset of the Conte government experts

From presumed heroes to disappeared. The experts called, wanted by the Conte government to manage the emergency coronavirus, seem to have fallen into oblivion or fallen out of favor.

The Colao plan trashed by the government

Vittorio Colao, the super manager at the helm of the task force that wrote the guidelines for the economic reconstruction of the country, returned to London without the government having in the least taken into consideration at least one idea present in the plan it presented at the beginning of June. A document with 102 proposals for “A stronger, more resilient and equitable Italy” with which some solutions were given to address the endemic problems of our country regarding: Business and work; Infrastructure and environment; Tourism, Art and Culture; Public administration; Education, Research and Skills; Individuals and Families. The Colao plan, however, has a very short life because it is considered too right by the Giallorossi majority. It seems that Marianna Mazzucato, the economist loved by the grillini and councilor of Giuseppe Conte, with an excuse he did not sign the document deemed “ultraliberal”. If, on the one hand, however, the opposition appreciated the contents of the work done by the former CEO of Vodafone, the government has, in fact, trashed it. Prime Minister Conte limited himself to the usual thanks to the task force “on Phase 2” during the General States held in Villa Pamphilj, but the Colao plan is and will remain a dead letter. Proof of this is the fact that the Italian government, the only one in Europe, has not yet presented any type of document with the necessary reforms to access the European Recovery Plan funds. Logic, on the other hand, would have led to the deduction that the “Colao plan” would have been the basis for re-founding Italy.

Angelo Borrelli “exiled” to Tuscany

Angelo Borrelli, head of the Civil Protection and very little reassuring face of the daily press conferences with which the bulletin of infections and deaths from Covid-19 was announced during the lockdown, has practically disappeared from circulation. The latest news about him concerns a problem that is certainly very important for Tuscany, but certainly not of national importance. The government has entrusted Borrelli with the task of disposing of the eco-bales present in the Gulf of Follonica. It is 60 tons of polluting waste that has been sunk in the sea for the past five years. Borrelli, who before the pandemic was known by the nickname “Guido Bertolaso’s driver” of which he had been the deputy, must only hope that a second wave of coronavirus does not arrive in Italy. Or that, in the case, it is the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to assume the burden and the honor of disseminating the data of the epidemic, as in reality it should have been from the beginning.

Tridico, the INPS president always on the grill

Who, perhaps, will be forced to disappear from the radar of the media system is the president of INPS Pasquale Tridico that periodically it is overwhelmed by a notable series of controversies. Does the click-day chaos break out? It is the fault of the hackers. Entrepreneurs? “Many shops do not reopen out of opportunism, out of laziness, so much is the state that pays.” The delays in the payment of the redundancy fund? “The fault of the mechanism provided for by the law.” However, Tridico will have to respond personally after the parliamentarians and local politicians who have regularly received the 600 euro Covid bonus have been subjected to the media pillory. If on the one hand the behavior of these politicians may seem morally unbecoming, on the other the leak, which started from the INPS, triggered the classic witch hunt that Renzians (and others) didn’t like at all. Friday 14 August Tridico will be heard by the Labor commission and will have to explain what happened with the bonuses that the government had allocated in favor of self-employed workers. The guarantor of privacy, Antonello Soro, on the other hand, after having consented to the publication of the names of the politicians who have ato of the famous 600 euros, has opened an investigation on the method followed by INPS “with respect to the processing of the data of the beneficiaries and the news disseminated in this regard”. In short, Tridico seems to have the hours numbered.

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