According to the organizers, the meeting of the so-called simply “stars of the dark block” is called more noble – “loving meeting”. On the organizers’ website it is full of Czech colors and an emphasis on the countryside. But it is enough to spend five minutes on the website to understand what it is about.
But I still enjoyed the episode. It begins, as usual, with the Holy Mass. “Unfortunately, the Holy Mass in the traditional Latin rite was banned this year by the archbishop of Prague,” warn the organizers in the next sentence. Perhaps this event was too big for Jan Graubner.
Photo: cs: ŠJů, CC BY-SA 3.0
Friends. The annual location for this “festival”.
Then it’s time for a panel discussion called “How do you survive everything and not go crazy?’. I think it is too late for the participants. This topic was discussed in front of them this year by the covid activist Jan Tománek, the once good Czech radio reporter Ivan Hoffman, some Milan Vidlák and the economist Miroslav Ševčík, who was sent to – out of the position of dean at the University of Economics.
Photo: David Sedecký, CC BY-SA 4.0
Jan Graubner
The second panel awaits those who don’t go mad. He is already on the desert’s favorite topic – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Maybe they say it differently here. The founder of the National Militia Marek Obrtel, StB agent Petr Markvart, former diplomat Petr Drulák and “analyst” Jaroslav Štefec were to talk about the war there. This high-quality debate was titled “The American-Russian war in Ukraine“. So you might imagine what could be said there.
But the next paragraph surprised me. Poet and Ostrava legend Jarek Nohavica spoke to Vítězslav Jandák on the topic of connecting culture and politics in Příčovy. I know, he accepted a medal from Putin and refused to return it at the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. That he has her to sing. Strangely, many people criticized it, probably rightly so. But he got that medal in 2018. And artists are sometimes “different”, I thought to myself. He is just proud that his work was also appreciated in Russia, where he often drew inspiration from. When it comes to pride, it really doesn’t give up the bottom.

Photo: Jacek Proszyk, CC BY-SA 4.0
Singer and songwriter Jarek Nohavica
If he only went to Příčov to play… But with Nohavica going to Příčov as a speaker, it clearly shows that he knows what he is doing very well. That he is “different” not as an artist, but as a person. It’s not about art, but about worldview. Jarek Nohavica simply agrees with the opinion on the fringes of society that the Russians are victims of America, that the war in Ukraine has other reasons than what we hear in the mainstream, that we are returning to totalitarianism in the EU. Maybe not with everything, but in general it will be just like that.
Nohavica does it at an event where, for example, convicted anti-Semite AB Bartoš is selling his books. This is not just the act of people who quietly or loudly agree with Russia. It is also an activity of people like Bartoš. This is really a complete fringe of society, which many people do not want to be.
For example, the director Jiří Strach, who does not hide his conservative views, was supposed to play in Příčovy as well. They invited him, he accepted the invitation. Only later, when some of us warned about what the Příčov event really was and who was meeting there, Strach canceled his participation. He realized how bad it was.

Photo: Draceane, CC BY-SA 4.0
Jiří Strach canceled the participation
Only the real “deserts”, more or less hidden followers of Russia and instigators of hatred against Jews are recognized in court.
But none of that matters now. Jarek Nohavica is a hero again. His faithful love his bravery, so firm in his opinion that he speaks their language. Only this time it’s in Russian.
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2024-08-20 11:23:36
#sad #Jarek #Nohavica #star #fringes #society #Mé