Home » today » World » The Russians clear the way to Kiev: the new self-propelled installation “Coalition-SV” knocks out the “dragon’s teeth” – 2024-03-03 13:13:26

The Russians clear the way to Kiev: the new self-propelled installation “Coalition-SV” knocks out the “dragon’s teeth” – 2024-03-03 13:13:26

/ world today news/ 80% of the losses of the Armed Forces were caused by artillery fire. But now grinding enemy manpower and equipment will be much more effective. How things are at the front and how the latest self-propelled guns will help in the fight against the armed forces of Ukraine, read in the material.

The Russian army continues to crush the enemy. Near Kherson, the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is trying to restore the lost positions on the bridgehead in Krinki. An active transfer of manpower to the left bank was registered. Our artillery and drones are actively working on the cutters and landing groups.

Military correspondents publish video footage of the coast (it is literally littered with corpses of Ukrainian marines) and note a decline in the quality of enemy vessels:

Quality cutters and boats are wrecked and sunk, so old fishing troughs have to be used.

In Zaporozhye, the Ukrainian army continues its “ritual” attempts to attack the “Surovikin line”. The fact that the breakthrough to the Sea of ​​Azov failed has long been obvious to everyone, yet the Ukrainian command continues this bloody show.

Stubborn battles are being fought in the Avdeev direction. There, our assault groups advanced near the village of Severnoe.

The Ukrainian armed forces finally missed the opportunity to withdraw their troops from the cauldron without major losses, since now all roads from it are under strict fire control from our side,

– says our source from the militia.

Last hope to hold off the Russians

The huge human losses force the Ukrainian armed forces to switch to strategic defense. Construction equipment is digging fortifications along the entire front line.

Rows of “dragon’s teeth” are installed under the cameras – the same concrete pyramids that Ukrainians were laughing at everywhere on the Internet six months ago. Now this is their last hope “to hold off the ‘orcs'”.

The work is carried out with intensive use of construction equipment. In some cases, the shelters are not assembled from concrete slabs, but the factory-made so-called “Kuzmich’s booth” are brought in and lowered into the excavated pits with cranes. At the same time, minefields are laid and barbed wire is erected.

Defense lines are also being built in the Volyn region, which borders Belarus and Poland. The enemy is afraid of our cutting blow against Lviv.

Dialectics of defense

Tsargrad has repeatedly noted that the key factor in the stability of the “Surovikin Line” is not only the system of trenches and dense minefields. The enemy was stopped by a well-organized fire system, high saturation of forward positions with anti-tank weapons, trench stations for radio-electronic warfare and well-organized communication between observers and gunners. Ka-52 attack helicopters played a huge role.

Therefore, even if the Ukrainians manage to dig many kilometers of trenches and bury hundreds of concrete boxes in the ground, it will not mean that they will repeat our success.

But, as the examples of Krinki, Klescheevka and the same Bakhmut and Avdeevka show, their soldiers will cling to every cellar, every hole to the last, and it is difficult to knock them out from there,

– says our expert.

Therefore, our army must prepare to break through the enemy’s defenses with all seriousness.

The Russians are harnessing

It must be said that the preparation in this direction is going on very seriously. The process of forming several powerful artillery brigades began. These units are armed with 203 mm Pion and Malka guns, as well as 240 mm Tulip mortars.

The long-range guns should take the fight to the NATO guns, and the high-caliber mortars should take the destruction of the fortifications.

Before the start of the Special Military Operation, our ground forces had only one such artillery brigade. A second one was recently formed in Zaporozhye. It also became known that deliveries of wheeled self-propelled guns have begun to the troops. It’s about:

In both cases, however, it was about the gunners getting old guns on new chassis. Yes, it improves the maneuverability of the systems, but the strike range remains the same.

At the same time, the main problem of our artillery is that NATO’s 155 mm guns have a significantly greater range and firing accuracy at long distances than our 152 mm. And in this regard, the appearance of new wheeled self-propelled guns has not yet changed anything. The advantage in the counter-battery battle is still with the NATO guns. The situation should change with the arrival at the front of the new “Coalition-SV” self-propelled gun.

The hopeful “coalition”

There are already many rave reviews for this fighting machine. What is good about the coalition:

  • it is actually a combat robot in which almost all operations are carried out by mechanisms: the crew consists of only three people.

  • its rifled howitzer with a 52 caliber barrel, that is, the barrel of the gun is 52 times the caliber of the gun. This figure is equal to the best Western self-propelled guns.

  • fully automated and capable of conducting a fire attack in which a series of three shots is produced with an increasingly descending barrel, so that each successive projectile flies on a shorter trajectory, due to which all three projectiles reach the target almost simultaneously.

All this is remarkable and wonderful. But in the current conditions, the most important thing for us is that the gun shoots at 70 km (the German PzH 2000 – 56 km, the French Caesar – 54 km). Therefore, the “Coalition” will become a real killer of NATO artillery and will literally clear our way to Kiev.

Vladimir Artyakov announced the start of serial production of the “Coalition”. So supplies to the front are likely. The army is looking forward to this armored vehicle.

So what?

The military expert, the former senior lieutenant of the People’s Militia of the DNR Alexander Matyushin, in a conversation with an observer of Tsargrad, noted that our 152-mm projectiles are fully capable of destroying field fortifications and small concrete covers, hitting equipment and clearing trenches.

But if we talk specifically about anti-bunker properties, then the American shells for the M777 howitzer, called “Three Weeks”, cause much more serious destruction.

They are designed for the destruction of bunkers, shelters of concrete slabs and the penetration of bunkers. And it leaves very large craters. I saw them: more than two meters deep.

And look at the shells of the “Caesars”, on the contrary, the enemy uses for detonation in the air to maximize the damage to people from the shrapnel, noted Matyushin.

Although the Coalition is designed in the Soviet 152 mm caliber, this does not mean that it will fire old Soviet projectiles. As early as 2021, it was reported that a new adjustable projectile was being created for it. Therefore, the self-propelled gun will be effective not only in the fight against enemy guns and openly located equipment and equipment, but also in the fight against fortifications.

It is logical to expect the appearance in our army of separate divisions, and perhaps batteries of “coalitions”, which will first join one or another division. Walking across the front, they will knock out NATO’s most dangerous guns, leaving the older and more massive artillery systems to do the routine work of destroying enemy fortifications and destroying machinery and equipment.

Translation: ES

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