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The Russian “Sarmat” Missile: Threat to Ukraine and NATO Intervention Possibility

After me, only silence – this is written on one of the “Sarmats”, which is the height of a 14-story building and weighs 208 tons. It exceeds other missiles in range and power

Due to the complete failure of the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian armed forces and the threat to the very existence of the regime in Kiev, the North Atlantic Alliance may consider the possibility of sending its forces to the territory of the western regions of Ukraine. This version was expressed in an interview on the YouTube channel Danny Haiphong by an American military expert, former US Marine Corps officer Brian Berletich.

According to the military analyst quoted by BLITZ, the West can no longer deny Ukraine’s big problems at the front. The United States will have to make some decision, and it could be the introduction of troops, if not American, then their NATO allies on the territory of Western Ukraine.

NATO’s intervention in Western Ukraine is possible to create a buffer zone, as was the case in Syria – the American military expert emphasized.

Berletik believes that the Russian leadership may definitely not accept such a scenario. Therefore, the Russian armed forces are “stockpiling missiles” to possibly counter such a threat.

These problems, the expert notes, could have been avoided if, before the start of the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian armed forces, the US administration had realized that it could not withstand a proxy war in Ukraine and abandoned plans to push Kiev to offensive operations.

Earlier, the representative of the Air Force of Ukraine, Yuriy Ignat, said that the Russian armed forces were stockpiling missiles – according to him, to strike the country’s energy infrastructure in the winter of 2023-2024.

Russia may have stockpiled up to 900 long-range precision missiles before winter. It is possible that the Russians can use them to attack Ukraine, Ignat said, quoted by RBC-Ukraine.

“Yes, for several months there has not been such a barrage as there was in the summer. If you finally count, approximately every summer month more than 100 missiles have been used. Already in the past autumn months, there are no such intense missile barrages. We are seeing more X-59, X-31. But there are also Iskander-M and Iskander-K,” explained the spokesperson.

Despair has gripped even the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, who has already admitted the failure of the counteroffensive.

After pointing out that the Ukrainian armed forces cannot boast of particular successes in almost six months of the “counter-offensive”, he added that it is difficult for the Ukrainian army to remain strong.

At the same time, politicians close to Putin warn Western countries not to send their army to Ukraine. It is clear that the Russians are keeping their long-range missiles to meet NATO troops with them.

Only in words, Putin is ready to stop the war in Ukraine. With his actions, he shows that he is inclined to negotiate only if the authorities in Kiev raise the white flag. This was pointed out today by the commander of the special forces of “Akhmat” Apti Alaudinov. He wrote about it in his Telegram channel. According to him, this winter will be decisive because it will determine the further course of the conflict. Alaudinov expects the authorities in Kyiv to demand peace talks in the spring.

According to him, they already understand that the situation is not in their favor, but they cannot stop yet. Everything should be decided by spring.

“The enemy still cannot refuse to resist Russia, because the owner is sitting behind him and pressing him in the back with a bayonet. This winter will be decisive. In the spring, the enemy will definitely start to “lean” towards negotiations with Russia,” he wrote the commander of “Ahmat”.

According to him, peace talks can only be about the complete capitulation of Ukraine on the terms of Russia, but not on the terms of the West or Kiev. Otherwise, Ukraine could fight not only to the last Ukrainian, but also to the last Ukrainian woman.

“And the essence of the negotiations will be to discuss the procedure for the surrender of Ukraine. I am sure that our country will not negotiate or agree in any way to any terms of the Ukrainian side. Therefore, we will talk exclusively about surrender.” Alaudinov adds.

Last year, Roscosmos chief and close Putin ally Dmitry Rogozin pointed out that just one Sarmat could turn any enemy into a radioactive blast pit.

According to experts, the missile with which Russia is rearming its strategic nuclear forces is a real doomsday weapon. Moscow is preparing to launch dozens of such missiles, the height of a 14-story building and weighing 208 tons. Rogozin has already warned that “Sarmat” could destroy half the coast of the continent, which Russia considers hostile.

2023-11-25 19:57:31
#World #step #World #War #III #NATO #preparing #enter #Ukraine #Russia #threatening #Sarmats

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