Home » today » News » The Russian House of Representatives unanimously ratified the Treaty of Annexation of the Occupied Territories … The Senate will soon follow.

The Russian House of Representatives unanimously ratified the Treaty of Annexation of the Occupied Territories … The Senate will soon follow.

Prosecution is imminent … Ukraine “Further liberation of the Kherson Territory”

The Russian House of Representatives (State Duma) unanimously ratified the annexation treaty with four occupied territories in Ukraine, Reuters and Sputnik news agency reported on 3 (local time).

“There are now 89 federal entities in the Russian Federation,” Vyacheslav Volodin, chairman of the House of Representatives, said on Telegram.

After the bill was approved, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov congratulated the representatives of the four occupied territories of Ukraine – Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk (Ukrainian name Luhansk) and Zaporiza – and said he was confident that the Senate will approve the measure.

Consequently, the annexation treaty signed by President Vladimir Putin on 30 last month with these occupied territories remains only to be ratified in the Senate and finally signed by the president.

Even the Senate, which plans to review the treaty on the 4th, will certainly ratify it.

President Putin signed an annexation treaty with the occupied territories in the Kremlin on the 30th of the same month after the territorial annexation of these occupied territories was decided through a referendum on 23 and 27 last month.

Since then, legal procedures such as the Constitutional Court’s ruling on the constitutionality of the treaty have followed one after another.

However, Ukraine has not recognized the annexation and is continuing its territorial offensive.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a statement released the day before that he had liberated two Russian-occupied villages in Kherson Oblast and that he is spurring the restoration of the occupied territory in Luhansk.

The West has also condemned the annexation as a violation of international law and is pushing for arms aid to Ukraine and additional sanctions against Russia.

/ yunhap news

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