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The Russian experiences being chased away by the police:

– All of Norway knows that the Russian era is now. There will be some noise and music in the evenings. That is why we move – so that it does not go beyond the same every time, says Russian President Erika Fuhr (18).

Fuhr is a member of the Russian bus “Vivas 2022” – one of several Russian buses in Bergen, which is now struggling to find a permanent place to celebrate the Russian era.

– There is not much we can do. We are chased away from place to place.

– Does not feel safe

Hordnesskogen in Berge has become a popular place to celebrate the Russian era for the Bergen Russians in recent years. The area’s central location makes it easier for young people to get home at night, but the forest is at the same time sheltered enough so that the party does not disturb others.

But now Hordnesskogen has been closed down for the Russians by the landowner at the request of the police.

CLOSED: Hordnesskogen is closed to everyone at night. Police explain that drugs, littering and episodes of violence are the reason for the closure. Photo: Pål Schaathun / TV 2

Thus, the shuttle buses must travel several miles to the neighboring municipalities of Askøy and Øygarden to be able to celebrate. And it feels insecure, the Russian thinks.

– It does not feel safe because it is too far away. What if something happens? The biggest danger is also that people do not get home easily, says bus manager Mia Kosaric (18) in “Vivas 2022”.

MILES: The Russian buses have to drive several miles to Askøy and Øygarden after the police closed down Hordnesskogen in Bergen.  Photo: Graphics / TV 2

MILES: The Russian buses have to drive several miles to Askøy and Øygarden after the police closed down Hordnesskogen in Bergen. Photo: Graphics / TV 2

– Usually we pick up people in several pools. If the police come and interrupt the party, not everyone gets home. What to do then? Some will fall asleep on the ground and may risk being reported missing.

– Does not give us a chance

TV 2 has been in contact with several Russian buses in Bergen, which experience that the police are not willing to give this year’s russ a chance.

DESPAIR: Mia Kosaric (19) is the bus manager on the Russian bus «Vivas 2022» She has spent 400 hours on volunteer work ahead of the Russian celebration.  Now she feels the work is almost in vain.  Photo: Mathias Kleiveland / TV 2

DESPAIR: Mia Kosaric (19) is the bus manager on the Russian bus «Vivas 2022» She has spent 400 hours on volunteer work ahead of the Russian celebration. Now she feels the work is almost in vain. Photo: Mathias Kleiveland / TV 2

– It seems that they are there ready to throw us away. The police can be a little more cooperative and rather take care of who enters the area.

– But can you understand that the police are skeptical of you considering the history that the Russians have?

RUSSIAN BUS: The girls on the Russian bus “Vivas 2022” believe that the police strategy leads to the exclusion of Russians who are not on the bus. Photo: Mathias Kleiveland / TV 2

– I think it’s incredibly weird that former russ will ruin for us. It seems in the media that russ is something incredibly deviant. All we really do is celebrate 13 years of schooling and enjoy ourselves.

– But is it a “human right” to celebrate the Russian era with a Russian bus?

– This is what can be called «typical Norwegian». It has become part of a tradition. At the same time, it has given us a very great diversity. We’ve had a lot of fun together.

Drugs, episodes of violence and littering

Drugs, noise, episodes of violence and littering are some of the reasons why the police and landowners have closed several areas in Bergen – including Hordnesskogen.

NOT SAFE: Morten Ørn is police chief for Bergen, Askøy and Øygarden.  He believes that it is not safe to celebrate the Russian era in Hordnesskogen.  Photo: Mathias Kleiveland / TV 2

NOT SAFE: Morten Ørn is police chief for Bergen, Askøy and Øygarden. He believes that it is not safe to celebrate the Russian era in Hordnesskogen. Photo: Mathias Kleiveland / TV 2

– This year there have been many intoxicated young people. They use the forest as a toilet. Police have been concerned that someone could be left in the woods after an accident and get an alcohol poisoning or overdose. There were also signs of drug use, Morten Ørn, police chief for Bergen, Askøy and Øygarden, tells TV 2.

He adds that the police have a goal that the Russians should have a safe and pleasant Russian celebration, but that security is strongly challenged when several hundred Russians gather at the same time in Hordnesskogen.

– There are many who show up in Hordnesskogen because it is a short way for many of the Russians, in addition, the forest is close to where the Russians party. Many exuberant russ enter the dense, hilly and dark forest. Then it becomes confusing and insecure – simply, says Ørn.

HORDNESSKOGEN: In this parking lot in Hordnesskogen, the Russian buses in Bergen usually gather.  Photo: Geir Johnny Huneide / TV 2

HORDNESSKOGEN: In this parking lot in Hordnesskogen, the Russian buses in Bergen usually gather. Photo: Geir Johnny Huneide / TV 2

– But the Russians say they feel insecure when they have to party far away from where they actually live?

– I do not know why there are such conditions in exactly Hordnesskogen. Maybe the Russians are a little too safe there and that could be the reason for the problems. And that they become a little calmer when they are in a foreign environment. I do not know, but our experience is that things go better in places further away.

– Partying and partying has been a part of the Russian era for several years, and this is something that happens every single year. Is it really the only solution to shut down the forest?

– After the Russian buses came, this has been a much bigger problem than before due to the noise the Russian buses make. We also see that there are slightly more liberal attitudes towards drugs. We experience that a good part of the Russians behave in a way that poses a great risk to themselves.

BUS: The exterior of the Russian bus “Vivas 2022” has been painted by hand. Photo: Mathias Kleiveland / TV 2

– The Russian does not have a fixed place to be because no one wants to take responsibility for the Russian. This must be organized and administered, and it must be a responsible organizer. No one has taken on this responsibility so far.

– Less inclusion

The Russian bus “Vivas 2022” is concerned that the closure of central locations in Bergen will lead to less inclusion and socialization.

– Not everyone has the opportunity to get home if we drive to places far outside Bergen. People do not bother to go out when they do not get home. Then there will also be less inclusion and socialization, says Fuhr.

LANDSTREFFET: The Russian bus «Vivas 2022» on the way to Landstreffet in Stavanger.  Photo: Pål Schaathun / TV 2

LANDSTREFFET: The Russian bus «Vivas 2022» on the way to Landstreffet in Stavanger. Photo: Pål Schaathun / TV 2

– There are a few that are devastating for everyone else. With us, for example, there is zero tolerance for drugs. Here we feel that the police punish everyone for something that few people are responsible for, she says.

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