Home » today » World » The Russian army has bombed the entire territory of Ukraine with 120 missiles! Lviv and Kiev could be cut off without water and electricity

The Russian army has bombed the entire territory of Ukraine with 120 missiles! Lviv and Kiev could be cut off without water and electricity

The Russian military launches missiles from warships in the Black Sea to attack Ukraine. Image: Taken from Observation Room No. 14

[新頭殼newtalk] On the 29th local time, Russia launched a new round of missile attacks against major cities in Ukraine, while air raid sirens rang across the country in the morning. Governor Oleh Syniehubov (Kharkiv) said parts of Kharkiv and its main city Kharkiv were attacked by 4 enemy rockets, which may be S300 surface-to-air missiles. “Russia is targeting critical infrastructure,” Sinikhupov said.

According to the US “Cable News Network” (CNN), Mykhailo Podolyak, the adviser to the Ukrainian president, tweeted that the Russian military fired more than 120 missiles at civilians and civilian infrastructure on the 29th. Podolyak also urged the public to enter in the shelter and stated that the Ukrainian air defense system was operational.

Lviv mayor Andrii Sadovyi said that 90% of Lviv is currently without electricity and the Russian attack on the 29th could cause a water cut in the city. He posted on social media platform Telegram saying, “Currently there are no trams and trolleybuses in the city, and the water supply may also be disrupted. Critical infrastructure in Lviv is currently being converted to diesel generators.”

It was reported that the new wave of attacks by the Russian army resulted in explosions in the cities of Kharkov, Odessa, Lviv and Zhytomyr states. The mayor of the capital Kiev, Vitali Kitschko, had previously warned residents of possible power and water outages following the Russian airstrike.

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At least three people, including a 14-year-old girl, were taken to hospital after the attack in Kyiv, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Kitschko said. Figure: Taken from @NeuroneIntel Twitter

At least three people, including a 14-year-old girl, were taken to hospital after the attack in Kyiv, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Kitschko said. Figure: Taken from @NeuroneIntel Twitter

The new wave of attacks by the Russian army includes the states of Kharkov, Odessa, Lvov and Zhytomyr. Image: taken from @Knownasaashu Twitter

The new wave of attacks by the Russian army includes the states of Kharkov, Odessa, Lvov and Zhytomyr. Image: taken from @Knownasaashu Twitter

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