Home » today » News » The rowing club of Montluçon (Allier) can no longer launch its boats … since the renovation of the pontoon

The rowing club of Montluçon (Allier) can no longer launch its boats … since the renovation of the pontoon

Rowing on grass, new discipline made in Montlucon (Allier) ? In any case, this is what we could observe recently in the outdoor courtyard of the premises of the Montluçonnais Rowing Club (CMA), rue Chabot-d’Allier, a stone’s throw from the left bank of the Cher. The scene has something to surprise: six ergometers (or rowers) installed in line on a strip of lawn as narrow as a corridor, with in the back unused oars stored on trestles …

The problem

Why are they unused? “We simply cannot put them in the water”, launches Michel Meier, president since 1975 of this club with about twenty licensees to date, against thirty before the Covid. The reason?? As part of the works on the banks of the Cher, the pontoon located rue Paul-Constans, a stone’s throw from the premises, and thanks to which the boats plunged into the water, was redone.

“The problem is that the old pontoon was positioned 20 centimeters from the level of the Cher, while the new one is 70 centimeters. It’s too high! In this configuration it is impossible for us to put the oars on the water. Or if not, they would have to be launched… ”

Michel Meier (President of the Montluçonnais Rowing Club)

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The mayor’s explanations

Contacted by us Monday, June 14, the City of Montluçon, project manager on this site, explained. ” There was a miss with companies from the point of view of understanding the problem ”, concedes Mayor Frédéric Laporte. “Everything has been standardized [sur la rive] during the renovation and the height of the pontoon has not been taken into account. “What neither the sports commission, nor the club, were worried… until being put in front of the (badly) accomplished fact. What to do ?

“The idea would be to use an intermediate floating bridge, which would be placed between the current pontoon and the water level. But for that you have to find it, install it and finance it. “

Frédéric Laporte (mayor of Montluçon)

What to consider a resolution of the problem “in the course of the summer, I hope so”, concludes the elected official.

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The consequences for the club

In the meantime, the CMA struggles and the atmosphere is not cheerful. ” We work indoor-rowing with ergometers, which we usually only use yesterday, but that does not replace the outdoors, ”continues Michel Meier. ” Sometimes we are going to Sidiailles with the trailer, except that between transporting and assembling the boats the time spent on the water is halved. “

And the concern is that the start of the school year, a period conducive to the recruitment of new graduates, is approaching. “Already that we have lost members with the health crisis, it is certain that if the problem of the pontoon is not solved by September the club will be in great difficulty », Assures its president. “For us, it’s a bit of a double penalty. “Because even if the regulars of the CMA are happy to find themselves, after confinement, being confined to ergometers will end up making them … sweat:

“The rower is good but it does not replace the water, the feeling of sliding, the silence, the nature … So there is frustration and a real expectation to be able to return there. “

Raphaël and Jeff (two licensees of the club)

Ditto for Louise-Anne, Christiane and Angélique: “It’s very pleasant to see each other again, of course, but if we practice this sport it is to go to the Cher”, they note together. ” We do not know if we will last long at this rate in terms of motivation. In short, emergency water …

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Text: Luc Barre
Photos: Florian Salesse

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