KOMPAS.com – The sun is the only star in the solar system. The sun is also called the center of the solar system because its gravity is able to unite the solar system.
Everything in the solar system revolves around the Sun, from planets, asteroids, comets and small debris in space.
As the center surrounded by many objects in the solar system, does the sun also rotate like other objects?
Yes, the sun also rotates
Not only is it surrounded by planets, the sun also rotates, although its movement speed is much slower than the Earth’s speed.
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The Earth takes 24 hours to complete a rotation, but because the sun is not a solid object like a planet, its rotation time is more difficult to determine.
According to NASA, the sun is a ball of gas or plasma so the sun does not have to rotate rigidly like solid planets and moons do.
In fact, solar gas is divided into several zones and layers, with each region of the sun moving at different speeds.
On average, the sun rotates on its axis once every 27 days. However, the equator rotates the fastest and takes about 24 days to rotate, while the poles take more than 30 days.
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NASA says the inside of the sun also rotates faster than the outer layers.
In 1612, Galileo Galilei saw something strange, namely sunspots moving across the sun’s disk over time. This is what then confirms the rotation of the sun.
Even today, researchers can monitor the movement and rotation rate of the sun by observing sunspot activity.
Sunspots form when the sun’s plasma interacts with its magnetic field and can cause solar flares and other types of solar storms.
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Some might think that sunspots are very hot, but they are actually cold areas on the surface of the sun, although “cold” is a relative term.
The average temperature of sunspots ranges from 2,760 to 4,150 degrees Celsius, in contrast to the surrounding area which has an average temperature of around 5,480 C.
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2023-10-11 10:01:00
#Sun #Rotate #Kompas.com