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The Rosario Independent Theater Week is back – Aptus

This meeting with the performing arts returns to the city from 2 to 8 November. Tickets can be purchased at the ATIR lounges.

The Municipality of Rosario, through the Ministry of Culture and Education, accompanies the Associazione Teatri Indipendenti del Rosario (ATIR) in a new edition of the Independent Theater Week, an event that returns after a two-year break forced by the pandemic.

In this sense, it is committed to enhancing the great local theatrical production with a varied agenda of activities such as shows, training, talks and meetings between artists and the public.

My first time at the theater

On this occasion, moreover, the cycle My first time at the theater is added, which, organized between the Municipality of Rosario and ATIR, is intended for new spectators to attend a theatrical experience for the first time. There are 17 theaters and more than 400 artists who will participate in the Week and 38 shows will be open to the public with a general admission of $ 800, adding 14 productions that will be seen in My First Time at the Theater.

11 activities with free admission

“Rosario has an important history in relation to independent theatrical production, with creations involving different genres, formats, casts and rooms. These spaces have grown and multiplied in different neighborhoods of the city, providing training in performing arts and other artistic languages. In this sense, and with the commitment to contribute to the growth of theatrical productions and their diffusion, from the Ministry of Culture and Education we accompany this incredible program aimed at the enjoyment of the public and the approach of new spectators to each of the halls. Attending the theater allows us to meet the body of another on stage, which allows us to experience emotions in an unrepeatable here and now ”, explained Federico Fernández Salafia, head of the Directorate General of Strategic Production of the Ministry of Culture and Education.

Salafia added that the scope of the proposal makes it possible to make visible the wide range of independent theatrical halls and also invites visitors to visit and visit some classic and other more recent spaces where intense cultural activity is supported in local daily life. “The intention year after year is to expand the number of audiences, and to see the greatest number of works, in order to have a taste of all the local productions, which are many and very different.

That is why the ticket price is very popular and affordable.

More activities

Even the people who frequent and visit the spaces know where the theater, dance and everything related to scenic creation takes place “, highlighted Ada Cottu, member of ATIR,

The inauguration ceremony will be held on Wednesday 2 November, at 6 pm, at the La Escalera Theater (9 July 324).

Then an extensive program will begin that includes theatrical performances, editing and production seminars, performing arts workshops, workshops, conversations, theater plays and masterclasses for actors and actresses.

The complete program is available on teatrosatir.ar

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