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The Romance between Cuban Theater and the Corral de Comedias: Silencing with Speaking

There seems to be a certain romance between theater made by Cubans and the Corral de Comedias of Alcalá de Henares. In one year they have risen to their boards Thank You Speech, by Carlos Celdrán; The Celestinaby Carlos Díaz; Jacuzzi, by Junior García Aguilera, and between October 6 and 22 it will be on stage Silencing with speakinga play directed by playwright Abel González Melo.

The Cubans Yanet Sierra, Rey Montesinos, Georbis Martínez and Betiza Bismark, and the Spanish musician Antonio Dueñas, are the protagonists of this work. Together they play 11 characters.

Silencing with speaking It is composed of two hors d’oeuvres: “The Talkers” and “El vizcaíno fingido”, both by Miguel de Cervantes. The premiere takes place on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the declaration of Alcalá de Henares as a World Heritage city. The city is the only one with this category in the entire Community of Madrid and is also the birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes.

“The creation of the mask of the Cervantine archetype through the characters of the comedy of art allows for many scenic games that involve the voice, the body. I believe that the public will find a stage delirium that will have music in it. direct and situations that have mockery as their center,” said Abel González Melo in an interview with DIARIO DE CUBA.

Rey Montesinos plays two characters: the mocking Don Esteban de Solorzano and Inés, the lady’s maid.

“It is particularly my Inés. It will also be a tribute to all those actors who have cross-dressed in different works, not only classic but also contemporary,” said Montesinos.

For the Cuban actor it is his third time in the same theater. He first played a character with the Mefisto Teatro company. Then, and only half a year ago, she performed in Thank you speech.

“It is always a pleasure to be able to work in a room like this. A mythical room, which is from Alcalá de Henares. Alcalá de Henares, which is from Madrid, and Madrid that increasingly looks like Havana, looks like Cuba. Because Madrid is filling up of Cubans due to emigration and we are getting the great benefit of all creators coming together to try to bring Cuban art to the Spanish public. So that through our arts get to know the real Cuba a little more that we Cubans know exists.

Yanet Sierra was also part of the cast of Thank you speech. Now she plays Cristina and Sarmientos in Silencing with speaking. For her, the performance “is experiencing a sweet moment, especially in our community. It is true that in the past we saw more Cuban musicians than actors. Now we have an immense community, Many actors are coming and that is wonderful. because we are very united.”

For its part, González Melo considers this phenomenon can be explained with the idea of ​​the great Cuba by the North American professor Ana López.

“This is an expanded Cuba that goes beyond the geographical borders of our Island. To understand theater in particular and Cuban art in general, as well as the social development of Cubans in the last decade, can only be seen that way. We are a country that is dispersed throughout the world. There are cities in which a lot of great Cuban art is being developed. One of them is Madrid. It always has been. Madrid and Spain in general is a space in which great Cuban musicians and theater artists have revealed themselves. or have developed their career. And actually For Cubans, Madrid is a hotbed of theatrical creation.”.

Georbis Martínez, who plays Quiñones and a talker, also believes that It is a very good opportunity for Cuban theater. “There is a lot of talent that is coming together to take advantage of this situation that leads us all to be outside. The important thing is that we can unite and continue making our art.”

Betiza Bsimark considers that in her profession “arriving and being able to find work is fortunate and being in the Corral de Comedias de Alcalá is a privilege.” The actress defends the characters of Brígida and one of the talkers.

Both Bismark and Martínez were part of the previous presentation of a Cuban cast at the Corral de Comedias, with the work directed by Carlos Díaz The Celestina.

The synergy between the two cultures, Cuban and Spanish It creates new audiences. González Melo explains that the Spanish public also approaches our concerns, our projects, our worlds.

“The Cubans on the team are also Spanish, we feel Hispanic-Cuban and that seems very beautiful to me because the idea of ​​Homeland also goes through there. It also goes through a rupture, it also goes through a bifurcation, it means having two spaces in which we are has allowed or we have been able to generate our ideas, our universes, our artistic projects“.

2023-10-06 22:08:29
#silence #speaking #theater #Cubans #Madrid

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