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The Roman Catholic Archdiocese Condemns ‘Scandalous’ Funeral of Trans Activist at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

The Controversial Funeral of Trans Activist Cecilia Gentili

The Controversial Funeral of Trans Activist Cecilia Gentili

Catholic Archdiocese Slams Funeral Held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York has expressed outrage over what it deems as “scandalous behavior” during the funeral of trans activist Cecilia Gentili. The funeral, held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, drew global attention for its unconventional nature and the subsequent backlash it received from conservative groups and some Catholics.

A Grand Cathedral, an Activist’s Legacy

More than 1,000 people gathered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on February 15 to pay tribute to Cecilia Gentili, a beloved trans activist and champion for New York’s trans community. The cathedral, revered for its grandeur and historical significance, was chosen as a fitting venue to honor Gentili’s remarkable legacy. She dedicated her life to advocating for sex workers, people with HIV/AIDS, and the marginalized in society.

Flamboyant Mourning and a Controversial Eulogy

Friends and family members of Gentili dressed in feathery red dresses, fishnet stockings, and lace veils to commemorate the life of this trailblazing activist. Mourners unapologetically called her the “Mother of all whores” in one eulogy, a term of endearment highlighting her compassion and support for sex workers. Surrounded by an electrifying atmosphere, the community prayed for the well-being and rights of trans individuals in society.

The Aftermath and a House of Worship Deceived

Videos and news reports of the unconventional funeral triggered a wave of backlash from conservative groups and devout Catholics. The Archdiocese of New York, emphasizing its disappointment, claimed it was deceived into hosting the service. The rector at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Rev. Enrique Salvo, expressed how the sacredness of the event was compromised and called for prayer, reparation, repentance, and mercy to heal the sacred space.

An Ongoing Debate

Both sides of the controversy have taken a stance. The organizers of the funeral argued that they had informed the cathedral about Gentili’s role as a sex worker advocate and activist and that her gender identity wasn’t something they proactively disclosed. Despite the highly publicized condemnation from the Archdiocese, there were worshippers who resonated with the inclusive spirit of the decision to hold Gentili’s funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

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