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The Role of Vitamins in Weight Loss: What You Need to Know

If we choose a too rigid or unbalanced diet for weight loss, if the body initially lacks some substances, getting rid of excess weight can slow down.

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Tver region gave advice to people who want to lose weight.

What vitamins help you lose weight?

Vitamin D

This vitamin is involved in regulating the work of the endocrine glands, thus affecting the metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, one of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is the appearance of excess weight or its increase. Also, the lack of this vitamin is manifested by constant weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue and problems with sleep. Blood pressure may increase, digestive problems may occur, muscle weakness may be felt, and immunity may decrease. All these symptoms do not help either to maintain a healthy diet or maintain the desired level of physical activity. If you notice these symptoms in yourself, ideally you should get tested to find out your vitamin D level, and consult your doctor to decipher the results and prescribe the right dosage of the vitamin. Among the foods that help us get vitamin D are meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Another type of vitamin D is synthesized in humans during exposure to the sun (although during periods of increased solar activity it is better not to overdo it).

B vitamins

With a lack of B vitamins, we feel increased fatigue, combined with irritability, heart palpitations even with light exertion. Again, there are problems with sleep. Sticking to a diet and exercising regularly with such symptoms is very difficult. In addition, these vitamins play an important role in metabolic processes. For example, B1 is involved in the processing of carbohydrates. With its lack, there is an increased appetite, which leads to overeating and, as a result, weight gain. Vitamin B1 can be found in red meat, dark grains, beans, liver, wholemeal bread. B6 is involved in the processing of fats: with its participation, red blood cells are formed that carry oxygen, and fats are burned in the process of losing weight thanks to oxygen. This vitamin is abundant in brown rice and barley. Vitamin B12 increases the intensity of fat and carbohydrate metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fats in the liver. It can be found in meat, organ meats, fish and seafood, dairy products, and eggs.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has many beneficial functions in our body, and some of them are important for maintaining optimal weight. For example, this vitamin is involved in the transport of oxygen, due to which, as we mentioned above, fat is burned. Also, ascorbic acid is involved in the production of carnitine. This amino acid transports fat to the mitochondria, where it is converted into energy. When the body has enough vitamin C, fat burning during exercise is almost a third more intense than in the case of a lack of this vitamin. There is a lot of ascorbic acid in bell peppers, currants, cranberries and other vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin A, calcium, potassium, chromium, and other vitamins and minerals may also be important to establish and maintain optimal weight. So if you want to lose weight, keep the result and your health for a long time, try to stick to a balanced diet without too strict restrictions.

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