The document conceptually addresses parking management as a solution strategy to mobility problems in our cities and its close relationship with urban planning and territorial planning. For many decades, cities built more space for vehicles than was intended for housing, commerce or even for public facilities, generating an increase in urbanization costs, affecting the construction of social and affordable housing and the urban landscape with on-street parking.
Different experiences at an international level are presented, identifying the objectives, implementation difficulties, mistakes and results. Some experiences, mainly in Latin America, have not been as effective because they persist in the idea of building more parking spaces to solve the demand problem.
The document seeks to reflect on the different alternatives for managing the use and construction of parking lots, proposals that must be aligned with the plans and projects around public and non-motorized transportation, as well as with land planning for them to be effective.
The exercise is very pertinent with the recent review of the Bogotá Territorial Planning Plan through Decree 555 of 2021, which exposes the opportunity to adjust the vision in the regulation of off-street parking, incorporating maximum limits that depend on the proximity to high-capacity public transportation systems and traffic congestion in the city.
Recently, the city has also begun the implementation and operation of charging for on-street parking in some sectors, under public operation as a resource generation scheme to finance the Integrated Public Transportation System, in line with the provisions of Law 1955 of 2019. , “By which the National Development Plan 2018-2022 is issued. Pact for Colombia, Pact for Equity.” The result will depend on the harmonization of the different strategies. Adequate parking management, in addition to generating economic resources to finance investments in public transportation and alternative modes, should contribute to improving both mobility and the enjoyment of public space.
The intention is to send the message that parking in a city is a vital resource for both land planning and urban transportation, which if managed properly becomes an important strategy for managing transportation demand. notably reducing problems of congestion, environmental pollution and scarcity of land for vehicles.
If the reader is interested in delving deeper into the topic presented in this brief note, he or she is invited to consult the article “State of the art in parking management.” To do this you can enter here.
2023-10-16 17:56:41
#State #art #parking #management