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The Role and Responsibilities of the Deputies of the Governor of Banque du Liban

The four deputies of the Governor of the Banque du Liban will meet tomorrow, Monday, to evaluate the previous stage, without announcing their resignation, according to sources in the Central Council of the Banque du Liban, who rejected the statements that hold the four deputies responsible for the vacancy in the position of governor in the event that it occurred with the end of Riad Salameh’s term on July 31. And she stressed that they refuse to take over the tasks after the end of his term, “without a change in the existing strategy and methodology, and without radical reforms in which the decision is taken by the parliament and the government.”

And after information was reported that the four deputies will announce their resignations tomorrow, Monday, concerned sources in the Central Council of the Banque du Liban denied to Asharq Al-Awsat that there was a tendency to announce the resignation on Monday, stressing that the four deputies of the ruler “will meet on Monday to evaluate the previous stage, without there being any No announcement of resignation.

The position of the four deputies sparked a wave of controversy and calls for them to assume responsibility and assign them to run the work of the public utility. The most prominent of these demands came from the words of the Deputy Prime Minister, His Excellency Al-Shami, who considered this threat “dangerous.”

However, the sources of the Central Council at the Banque du Liban were surprised at the talk of a “vacuum in governance” in the event that they resigned, and confirmed to “The Middle EastThat “the government should appoint a replacement ruler after the end of Salama’s mandate.”

The concerned sources rejected “every talk that the ruler’s deputies will destroy the country if they resign,” stressing that these accusations are “unfounded, given that at the present time there is a governor of the Central Bank at work, and there is a government and parliament,” adding: “As for asking the four deputies to assume their responsibilities, it is an understatement. What is required is for everyone to shoulder their responsibilities, including the government and parliament.”

The sources said: “The four deputies cannot be asked to carry out the ruler’s duties, in the absence of the minimum required financial and political reforms,” ​​and that “in a complex period surrounded by a delicate and dangerous financial situation,” noting that “the legacy of the previous stage is not easy, including The prosecutions against Salameh and the applicable financial and monetary procedures, all of which give an idle image and undermine confidence in the country. The sources emphasized that “without reforms and governmental and parliamentary support, the mission of the four deputies will be a failure.”

And she added, “In the face of all the financial facts, we cannot be held responsible without changing the existing methodology,” indicating that “state financing cannot proceed as it is according to the current situation, just as work is in an exchange platform (belonging to the Bank of Lebanon to determine the exchange rate). ) is insufficient and cannot be completed in the existing form, and it is costly for the treasury. And she continued: “Scientific methodologies must be changed, and this is what the governor’s deputies have been working on since the summer of 2020 after their appointment, and it is represented in deliberations and actions that remain within the secret deliberations and do not go out into the open.”

The sources asserted that the reforms “cannot be implemented without unifying the exchange rate, just as the liberalization of the exchange rate cannot be implemented without approving the Capital Control Law,” which means in the end that this “needs the integration of the government, parliament, and the central bank in identical efforts and cooperation to create an atmosphere.” of confidence.”

The sources indicated that the ruler’s deputies have been working for a long time to link a “money exchange platform” with the “Bloomberg” platform, allowing it to be transformed into an official, globally recognized trading platform, and it will be a gateway to liberalizing the exchange rate and mitigating losses for the Central Bank, “which is a requirement of the International Monetary Fund.” .

2023-07-16 06:04:42
#Representatives #Riad #Salameh #demand #reforms #management #Banque #Liban #Asharq #AlAwsat

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