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The Rogue Squadron movie isn’t game based, but it does watch a lot

The upcoming Star Wars film Rogue Squadron is aware of the game series of the same name.

The upcoming Star Wars film Rogue Squadron is aware of the game series of the same name.

Disney recently announced numerous new series and a film in the Star Wars universe. One project in particular should catch the eye of video gamers: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. After all, a game with the exact same name was released in 1998, and it had two successors in 2001 and 2003.

What do film and game have to do with each other?

Director Patty Jenkins now has one Interview with IGN reveal how the game and the film are related. Fans of the games might be a little disappointed with the answer, however.

The film is independent: Jenkins thus explains that the film will be completely independent. Rogue Squadron will tell its own story, not simply copy that of the games.

By the way, we have collected all information about the current Star Wars films and TV series for you in a clear list: There you will find all Star Wars projects that are currently in development for the cinema and Disney Plus.

Allusions are possible: At the same time, she states that Rogue Squadron is definitely influenced by the games and can understand their value for the fan community. Specifically, Jenkins promises: “We’ll do something new, but we will let it be influenced by the books and video games.” Allusions abound.

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What was Rogue Squadron about?

The story of Rogue Squadron takes place six months after the destruction of the first Death Star in Episode 4 – A New Hope and thus before the events of Episode 5 – The Empire Strikes Back. Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles found the eponymous squad in the face of the threat posed by the Empire.

You are part of this squadron and fly missions for the rebels in four chapters parallel to the events of the original trilogy and sometimes fight side by side with characters known from the films such as Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon. Only the last chapter is an exception. That finds whole six years after the battle for Endor and lets you destroy a new Imperial weapon on the planet Mon Calamari.

Successful enough for two successors

The direct sequel to the successor to Rogue Squadron 2 from 2001 lets you take part in the various space battles of the films to a large extent, but also offers some missions that have never been themed before, such as the attack on a secret imperial space station. The Rogue Squadron finds the plans for the construction of the second Death Star.

The third part again offered numerous new battles, which led you to Dantooine and Geonosis in two campaigns. You could also leave your spaceship here for the first time and take part in the ground battles.

If you want to take another look at Rogue Squadron: It’s on Steam Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D available for several years. And only in 2019 did modders show what the video game classic would look like with a graphic overhaul in Unreal Engine 4.

Link to YouTube content

However, fans should note: The story of Rogue Squadron is now part of Star Wars Legends and therefore no longer part of the current Star Wars canon. With the takeover by Disney, a lion’s share of Star Wars stories were thrown overboard to make room for new content.

It is quite possible that the film, which will be released in 2023, will nevertheless reference battles from the game in at least some dialogues. The Mandalorian does a similar thing, which even built an entire episode on a quest from Knights of the Old Republic and in which successors to the HK droids from the games appear.

Play Star Wars Space Battles yourself today

But who something more modern space battles searches in the Star Wars universe, you will find it with Star Wars: Squadrons, which was only released in 2020. This lets you fight on the side of the rebellion and the empire as the story progresses. A free update for the title was only released in December, adding two new spaceships with the B-Wing and TIE Defender.

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