Home » today » World » The road is already mined by the Russians: Who, when and how will liquidate Zelensky – 2024-04-19 06:22:49

The road is already mined by the Russians: Who, when and how will liquidate Zelensky – 2024-04-19 06:22:49

/ world today news/ More and more events show that every day a struggle for power in Ukraine will begin for the Bandera people. Already. openly. The recent assassination of Assistant Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny shows that the power struggle will be between the military and political elites. And it enters that difficult stage where the legality of the methods is simply ignored.

In addition, the West is tired of Zelensky and is not against replacing him. Western media also openly write about it. Read more in the material from Tsarigrad.

The struggle for the presidency, which began in Ukraine, was especially tampered with by former CIA officer Larry Johnson, who said on the YouTube channel Dialogue Works that the British intelligence services (namely, he was appointed by the Americans to the role of “curator” of the European war ) are preparing to replace the current President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and have placed a bet on the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny:

“British intelligence understands that little comedian Zelensky is exhausted and that they need someone like Zaluzhny to play a more significant role.”

It is now obvious that the Western countries have realized the failure of their role in the Ukrainian conflict they created and fueled, the current results of which are:

– seriously damaged the prestige of the USA as a “hegemon”;

– crippled the EU economy;

– destroyed the myth of mass burning of modern NATO equipment on the fronts of the special military operation;

– spawned dissidents in Hungary (Viktor Orbán) and Slovakia (Robert Fico) who dared to defy the “party line”.

But the main thing is that there is less and less hope that the huge investments made in Ukraine will give at least some return.

In general, everything is bad, and someone should be responsible for this “bad”, including the Western taxpayers?! And Western elites really don’t want to be appointed to that role.

And that is why the ideal candidate for scapegoats is yesterday’s favorite and idol of the West, Vladimir Zelensky. To whom all was given and all forgiven, but he could not cope.

There will be no more laughter

Do you remember the joke? The doorbell rings, a man opens it, and there is a skinny old woman with a braid. “Who are you?” “Death is yours.” “And what?” “Well, that’s all…”

So, in his current position, President Zelensky, hearing this joke, is unlikely to laugh. Nowadays, he creates too many bad associations for the prospects in front of his beloved.

The “counter-offensive”, presented by Kiev as a panacea, finally collapsed. At the very least, equipment from the West is still arriving, but soon there will be no one to man it: the meat raids have thinned the male population of the Independent so much that today, to compensate for the losses, young and old, women, psychopaths and invalids must to be caught and sent to the front.

All this is very reminiscent of the death convulsions of the Third Reich, when, in order to plug holes at the front, they had to resort to total mobilizations, sending even teenagers and pensioners to the trenches.

However, this did not help Hitler at one time and, apparently, Zelensky is beginning to guess that it will not help him either. But the Probander “hetman” does not want to repeat the fate of the German Fuhrer.

“Heroic” death

At the same time, as practice shows, when the British Jamesbonds want to replace someone, this replacement usually does not stay long.

So Zelensky has more than a serious reason to be tense: his “heroic death at the hands of the Russians” would suit everyone today.

For example, the explosion of the president’s car on the road from a mine. And then a media demonstration of a “Russian saboteur” mining the tracks.

After all, you let Zelensky out of the country after the lost elections, and you see, he will spew a lot – from whom he received how much and with which of the sponsors he shared. Anything can happen under the influence of white powder.

Is that why Zelensky is delaying the elections in any way and under any pretext, which he is likely to lose? He officially stated:

“I do not see the possibility of holding a vote before the end of the war, especially since martial law forbids it.”

That’s all for now. But as we understand, in today’s Ukraine everything is determined not by its president, but by those foreign masters who support both the country and him personally. The West offers Ukrainians another show about the good cop and the bad cop. Only Zelensky this time in the role of the bad guy.

“The fight for the mace is an old Ukrainian tradition. In the morning they shout “Be our hetman!” and in the evening “Go away!” Zelensky, of course, will resist, he also has a power resource in the form of the SBU, which, by the way, has liquidators on its staff.

“So by the spring, both Zaluzhny’s coup and his elimination are equally possible. Our task is – while the spiders in the jar are devouring each other, increase the pressure from the front and go to the Victory,” noted political scientist Yuriy Kot.

Peace to prepare for war

Replacing Zelensky with Zaluzhny – is it good or bad for Russia? Here is what military expert Alexander Artamonov thinks about the matter:

“This candidacy means a serious strengthening of the state apparatus, because Zaluzhny is a hereditary officer with two academies behind him. Who, judging by his interview, knows what needs to be achieved.

He is a supporter of military dictatorship, which in the current conditions can prolong the life of the Ukrainian Reich and cause the escalation of the war to a new level.”

But whether Russia needs it is a big question.

To understand what Zaluzhny wants and why his plan suits the West so much that Zelensky can be sacrificed for it, you should read the commander-in-chief’s interview with the American magazine The Economist.

There, unlike official Kiev propagandists who never tire of repeating that the Ukrainian armed forces are about to take over Crimea, Zaluzhny says what almost everyone in Ukraine has already begun to understand:

The “counterattack” does not go according to plan; Russia’s military capabilities, including the ability to destroy Western armored vehicles, were clearly underestimated. And the Russians have considerable and endless potential.

He also compared the current situation on the front to World War I, when both sides reached the limit of their technology and reached a stalemate.

In such a situation, innovation can solve the situation – in the field of UAVs, demining equipment and new equipment for electronic warfare. But it takes time to create or obtain them, and there is none.

Considering that the forces are spread over a huge front of 1,200 km, and at the moment neither side has the opportunity to attack, the appearance of some new factor may change the situation.

“Zaluzhny sees a solution in resuming the almost nonexistent presence of the Ukrainian armed forces in the air. Ukraine will receive F-16, but it takes a year to train pilots, the first training center for which is now being created in Romania,” says Alexander Artamonov.

“Also this year it is possible to catch everyone who is not yet mobilized in Ukraine and prepare. Well, and get new Western resources for this. And for this they need a year of truce,” he fully agrees with this.

The West began to talk about negotiations, because it perfectly understands: Russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield, the front of the Ukrainian armed forces is cracking. And therefore, in order to somehow compensate for the losses, to correct the situation and to continue this war in which the Slavs exterminate each other for the pleasure of the Anglo-Saxons, a new “Minsk” is urgently needed.

This will give Ukraine’s armed forces time to lick their wounds, get new equipment and ammunition, and withdraw the “mobilization resource” that fled abroad.

That is, we have to screw Russia again, through the lobbying possibilities of its “fifth column” (which has not gone away) to impose another indecent peace on us, which will allow, after proper preparation, to organize a new war to wear Russia down.

But there is a serious obstacle to this option – Mr. Zelensky himself. For whom the cessation of war, even temporarily, means inevitable political and even physical death.

So what?

I really want to hope that the Russian leadership understands this simple scheme and therefore for the third time (after Minsk and Istanbul) will try not to step on the same paddle. As for Mr. Zaluzhny, the “Dagger” flying in through his window could help Russia solve this problem. And even before any Ukrainian elections.

Translation: SM

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