January 1, 2024 2:22 PM |
Updated: January 1, 2024 14:24
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Social and Cultural Sciences and Religion. Illustration source: PEXELS
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The Road in Paradise That Hasn’t Been Good
Olwh: Alya Husnadila
Why should we discuss roads? Because many UIN students live on Jalan Mustamindo or what could be called paradise
The question is, why isn’t the path going the right way? Was the money corrupted? As a UIN student, I am also concerned about seeing this because to be honest, I, who comes from a family that doesn’t have enough, really don’t want to or you could say that if I could just walk to my friend’s boarding house, why?
Because the road cannot be announced if it is estimated that motorbikes will pass there for a month, perhaps it cannot be denied that they will have to go to a repair shop, especially if the motorbike is old or the road is not registered with the government?
I don’t know either, and looking around there, there aren’t many residents there, but there’s very little sense of community, why is that so? Because they don’t know each other, even the boarding house children or even the average neighbors that I have seen with my own eyes and I estimate that there are many people from outside Pekanbaru who invest their money in boarding houses and rented houses, so why is there a lack of mutual sense of community between them? Because they don’t live there and they only beautify their boarding houses, rented houses and buildings, why don’t they ask for a road fee of at least 50,000 for the road, if you hope for government money for a long time, it’s like, until the chicken gives birth, it won’t come to fruition.
In my opinion, people who invest their money in Paradise or Mustamindo will not feel deprived because just 50,000 can feel sorry for the UIN students who live there, yes, if their parents are well established, what if they are not well established? Is it expensive for the motorbike to be damaged due to the road? Luckily there is a shortcut for pedestrians if you’re on a motorbike? Isn’t it a shame that the motorbike was taken to Pekanbaru but wasn’t used? If you go through the front it takes longer because of the road, if you walk it’s okay but you never use the motorbike? Personally, I am willing to live in Reed China, no matter how far away my boarding house is, as long as there is a shortcut to UIN, even though I am a pedestrian too.
2024-01-01 07:22:40
#Article #Kompasiana.com