Home » today » Health » The risk of death from corona among poor Dutch people is twice as high

The risk of death from corona among poor Dutch people is twice as high

“The idea that the virus is a kind of disaster to all of us, spreading evenly from Brabant through the country, is incorrect,” says Anton Kunst professor of social epidemiology at the Amsterdam UMC. Faithful. He calls the result of the investigation ‘downright shocking’. “Now that we take stock a year later, we see that the disease mainly affects people who are poor.”

Kunst suspects that the difference in risk of death from corona is due to different circumstances. For example, the health status of people with a lower income is generally less good than that of people with a higher income. In addition, people with a lower income are more likely to become infected because they more often work in professions where working from home is impossible. They also often live smaller.

Differences rich and poor

According to Kunst, the research reveals the major differences between rich and poor. “We were concerned about regional distribution, but in retrospect, income disparities played a strong role even then.”

According to the researcher, this makes it even more important to keep the number of corona cases under control. “With every relaxation that increases the number of corona cases, you hit arms harder. For every rich person who becomes infected or dies, there are two poor people of the same age, the same sex or the same regional origin. ”

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