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The Risk of Covid-19 Transmission in High Offices, Doctors: Need Extra Protection Before Going to the Office

TRIBUNPALU.COM – Number of cases of infection corona virus Covid-19 in Indonesia is still increasing.

However, the community has returned to work to the office by adapting new habits in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic

To anticipate the transmission of covid-19, Lung Specialist, dr. Pompini Agustina, Sp.P (K) reminded that before leaving for the office, prepare extra protection.

First, make sure the body is in good health. Do not go to the office if you feel that your body has symptoms of illness so you are not susceptible to catching viruses.

“When doing activities outside the home, prepare yourself for protection, make sure you are in good health before leaving the house,” said dr. Pompini during a live with Telkomedika, Tuesday (11/8/2020).

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Then if you feel symptoms such as signs of Covid-19 such as coughing, runny nose, fever, shortness of breath and other signs related to the respiratory tract, you should immediately consult a health facility.

“If there are symptoms of respiratory tract infection, especially acute ones and accompanied by fever, immediately go to the health facility to report it to the doctor to check,” said dr. Pompini.

Then before leaving the house, make sure to use a mask and bring a replacement mask, bring hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray for personal protection.

Then bring your own cutlery, bring your own prayer utensils from home to avoid borrowing other people’s tools.

“Until the workplace, wash your hands with soap and water, and use your elbows when pressing the button, don’t take off your mask and set your distance from other friends in the office,” concluded dr. Pompini.

This article was published on Tribunnews.com with the title The Covid-19 Transmission Rate Is Still High, Doctors Remind Maximum Preparation Before Going to the Office
Author: Apfia Tioconny Billy

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