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The Rising Rates of Breast Cancer and Western Lifestyle: Insights from BMJ Oncology Study

The research published in the scientific journal BMJ Oncology has been published, uses data from 204 countries. In addition, 29 types of cancer were studied. The results show that the number of diagnoses for breast cancer in particular has increased. Most people died as a result of this variant of the disease.

Breast cancer is also most common in the Netherlands, followed by skin cancer and then colon cancer. Cheyenne Olf, 23, was just 21 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. “It was strange, everyone around me – from the GP to the hospital staff – was in shock,” she says.

Western lifestyle

The diagnosis came completely unexpectedly. “I didn’t immediately think about the fact that I might not grow old or what the future had in store for me. Until I was diagnosed, I didn’t even think about the fact that cancer could be the cause of my complaints .”

Compared to the rest of the world, the total number of cancer diagnoses in the Netherlands has increased less rapidly in recent years by 52 percent (compared to 80 percent worldwide). This concerns the number of diagnoses in the population group between 15 and 50 years old. But the numbers themselves also reflect a worrying increase, say experts.

“One of the main causes is population growth,” says Otto Visser, of the Dutch Cancer Registry. “In addition, there is a growing connection worldwide between groups of people who adopt the Western lifestyle, which increases the risk.”

The Western lifestyle that is becoming common in more and more places is one of the most important observations from the American study. “Changes in diet and an increase in alcohol and tobacco use play a role in this,” explains Vissers. It is also linked to colon cancer. Vissers: “It is strongly related to dietary habits. The more Western the diet, the higher the risk of colon cancer. The increase in obesity is also associated with this.”

“Conversely, you see that the number of cases of lung cancer in people younger than 50 years has decreased in the Netherlands as a result of a decrease in the number of smokers,” Vissers continues. Also noteworthy is that testicular cancer is being diagnosed more and more often. “Testicular cancer is more common in wealthy countries than in poor countries, but the reason for the strong increase in the Netherlands is still unknown,” says Vissers.

Treating cancer

Cheyenne Olf’s cancer diagnosis made a deep impression on the twenties. “Nothing was taken for granted anymore,” says Olf. “Things like doing fun activities and shopping, all of that was no longer possible then.” After more than a year of treatment in which she received IVF treatment, radiation and chemotherapy, she was declared better.

“It was difficult to trust my body a little bit again and then to deteriorate again, but I’m going back to school and the future looks bright. I’m glad I can focus on that,” said Olf.

2023-09-06 19:30:31
#cancer #global #rise #western #lifestyle

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