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The Rise of Vape Tongue: A Strange Side Effect of Vaping

The list of strange vaping side effects continues to grow, with doctors now warning about the “vape tongue”.

With the use of e-cigarettes reaching epidemic proportions, especially among young people, experts have turned to social media to spread awareness about the health effects.

Dr Stuart Biggs, a UK cosmetic dentist, shared on TikTok, “Vegar tongue is when you start to lose your taste buds because you’ve been vaping too much. This is really on the rise because of the popularity of these disposable e-cigarettes.” It has all these flavours.

Flavored e-cigarettes have become incredibly popular. A 2022 survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggested that 85% of young people use flavored e-cigarettes, most often fruit and mint flavours.

A study from Ohio State University also found that 40% of young people would stop vaping if flavored e-cigarettes were banned.

These e-cigarettes often get their sweet taste from added sugar and sugar alcohols, which have long been shown to cause tooth decay and gum disease.

A 2021 study in the journal Frontiers in Oral Health found, for example, that those who smoke or use e-cigarettes were more likely than non-smokers to develop gum disease.

Dr. Biggs said that “vape tongue” comes with many unpleasant side effects, including dry mouth and even a complete loss of taste.

While you’re trying to kick the habit, focus on treating the symptoms. This includes drinking more water to prevent dehydration and prioritizing oral hygiene. Regular brushing and cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper can help, Dr. Biggs said.

Once you’ve managed the symptoms, ultimately, the best thing to prevent future “vape-tongue” is to quit or cut back on smoking.

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2023-07-28 14:16:48

#health #condition. #Doctors #warn #electronic #cigarette #tongue

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