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The Rise of Online Gambling Addiction Among Argentine Youth: Causes, Risks, and Regulations

Online gambling is becoming one of the great addictions of the 21st century. This scourge affects adolescents in our country in a particular way.

Online gambling and sports betting have experienced a significant increase in Argentina in recent years, and along with this there has been growing concern about the impact on young people and the risk of developing gambling addiction. Accessibility through mobile devices and aggressive advertising have contributed to making young people an increasingly vulnerable segment to problems related to gambling. Many young people see gambling as a quick way to make money or as a socially accepted and exciting activity.

How has the consumption of online gambling and sports betting evolved among Argentine youth in recent years?

Let’s start by analyzing the evolution of the online gaming sector in our country. In recent decades, we have witnessed a progressive increase in the consumption of games of chance through online platforms. This increase has been driven by the expansion of information and communication technologies (ICT), which have facilitated access to these services from anywhere and at any time.

What do we understand by online gaming and why has it experienced a boom in Argentina in recent years?

Before delving into the aforementioned aspects, it is important to understand what online gambling is and why it has experienced a boom in Argentina in recent years. Online gambling encompasses a wide range of betting activities carried out through digital platforms, including sports betting, casino games and lotteries. Easy accessibility, aggressive advertising and technological advancement have contributed to the rise in its popularity, especially among young people.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defined pathological gambling (or gambling addiction) in the 10th International Classification of Diseases (ICD) as a disorder that consists of the presence of frequent and repeated episodes of gambling, which dominate the life of the patient to the detriment of values. and social, labor, material and family obligations (WHO, 1992). Here, patients describe, as García, Buil and Solé (2016, p. 558) point out, “the presence of an imperious and intense desire to play that is difficult to control, along with insistent ideas and images of the act of play and of the circumstances surrounding it. “In this pathology the same characteristics are usually found as in other addictions.” Gambling addiction, as Derevensky, Temcheff and Gupta (2011) point out, is currently the most characteristic of non-toxic addictions, keeping in mind, according to Echeburúa and De Corral (1994), that what characterizes an addiction without drugs it is not the type of behavior involved, but the type of relationship that the subject establishes with it.

What are the main causes of the growth of online gaming and sports betting consumption in our society?

The increase in online gambling and sports betting consumption is attributed to multiple factors. These include the liberalization of the sector by governments, increased spending on entertainment, changing social perceptions about gambling, intensive advertising and sponsorship of sporting events, among others. Additionally, the arrival of the Internet has allowed easy access to these activities, which has expanded their reach and availability.

What are the risks associated with problematic online gambling and sports betting, especially among young people?

Problematic consumption of online gambling and sports betting can have serious consequences on the health and well-being of individuals, especially young people. Digital gambling addiction, characterized by the loss of control over the impulse to play despite the negative consequences, can affect all social classes and cause financial, work and family problems. It is essential to distinguish between recreational and problem gambling and provide support to those struggling with addiction.

What is the current status of the legal regulation of online games and sports betting in Argentina and what are the challenges we face in this regard?

Argentina faces challenges in the regulation of online gaming and sports betting, since there is no specific national legislation in this regard. The lack of adequate regulation has allowed the proliferation of illegal sites that are not subject to state control, increasing the risk for consumers, especially young people. It is essential to implement effective legal measures to protect the population from the risks associated with these activities.

What factors have contributed to the progressive increase in gambling consumption through online platforms in our country?

One of the main factors that contribute to problem gambling in young people is accessibility through mobile devices and aggressive advertising. The omnipresence of technology in everyday life has made young people an increasingly vulnerable segment to problems related to gambling. Many of them see gambling as a quick way to get money or as a socially accepted and exciting activity.

How can we characterize the profile of the adolescent who participates in online gambling activities and sports betting in Argentina?

Going deeper into the profile of the adolescent who consumes this type of activity, we find that they are mainly in the age range of 14 to 18 years. These young people are attracted by the immediacy of the reward and the false sense of control over the results of the game. Furthermore, participation in gambling can be understood as a continuum, from casual and recreational participation to excessive and compulsive involvement.

What impact do the consequences of gambling addiction have on the lives of young Argentinians who participate in online gambling activities and sports betting?

It is important to highlight the devastating consequences that gambling addiction can have on young people. These include financial problems, academic difficulties, mental health problems and deterioration of personal relationships. Gambling addiction is characterized by an overwhelming and intense desire to gamble that is difficult to control, which can lead to a loss of control over the individual’s life.

What actions can be taken to prevent gambling among young people and more effectively regulate online gambling and sports betting in Argentina?

After the pandemic, psychologist Soledad Fuster (1), professor at the University of Buenos Aires and specialized in Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) and Inclusive Education, began to notice in her clinical practice adolescents who earned income by playing online. “However,” Fuster points out, “these cases arose in isolation, as a continuation of the prolonged period of isolation that had led many to look for a virtual way to connect with others, enjoy, express themselves and build their identity.”

Through his work in educational institutions, both in classrooms and workshops, Fuster observed that when addressing the topic of online gambling, several adolescents, mainly boys, shared the amounts won and their plans to spend that money, sometimes considerable sums.

For Fuster, it is “essential” to incorporate the digital perspective in Comprehensive Sexual Education in secondary school, given that the relationships and activities of adolescents are increasingly influenced by the virtual. “Virtuality, far from being something separate from reality, has become another scenario where young people interact, express themselves, learn and also face dangers that, in many cases, can have a psychological impact, affecting their self-esteem, social skills. and comprehensive development”,
explains the psychologist.

He adds that these risks range from being victims of online scams to being subjected to sexual abuse over the Internet, known as “grooming.”

“Teenagers often show a lack of interest or are constantly distracted by their cell phones; Their rest is affected by the hours they spend in front of screens at night, and they even replace sports activities with online games motivated by the money they can win,” Fuster describes the impact of this addiction. “The risks of developing pathologies related to new technologies are increasing; There are adolescents between 13 and 16 years old who confess that they cannot take their eyes off their cell phones, and even request the intervention of adults to help them put away the device and avoid distractions.”

(1): These findings were compiled by Silvina Friera in a note

2024-04-10 23:09:43
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