Home » today » Business » The Rise of Fuel Prices: National Average Reaches 1.99 Euros/Litre for Petrol and 1.91 Euros/Litre for Diesel – Analysis by Quotidiano Energia

The Rise of Fuel Prices: National Average Reaches 1.99 Euros/Litre for Petrol and 1.91 Euros/Litre for Diesel – Analysis by Quotidiano Energia

The rise in fuel prices does not stop. Following the upward movements of the last few days, the prices charged at the pump continue to rise: the national average for petrol in self-service mode reached 1.99 euro per litre, that of diesel a 1,91 euro per litre. This is what emerges from the processing of Mimit data by Quotidiano energia.

Coming to the details of the network, the average price of petrol in self-service mode is 1,990 euros per liter (1,985 the previous survey), with the various brands ranging between 1,977 and 2,002 euros per liter (no logo 1,973). The average price charged for self-service diesel is 1.913 euros per liter (compared to 1.902), with companies between 1.910 and 1.926 euros per liter (no logo 1.893). As for what was served, for petrol the average price charged is 2.122 euros per liter (2.116 the previous figure), with colored systems with prices between 2.057 and 2.203 euros per liter (no logo 2.025). The average diesel served is 2.047 euros per liter (against 2.036), with the companies’ sales points with average prices between 1.991 and 2.127 euros per liter (no logo 1.946).

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2023-09-14 18:32:00
#price #petrol #doesnt #stop #selfservice #euros

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