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The Rise of Electronic Transfers and Payments in Mexico: CoDi, DiMo, and SPEI Explained

Electronic transfers and payments are increasingly common in Mexico, to the extent that thousands of establishments They already offer the possibility of paying without using your card. In addition, through your cell phone you can cover service expenses such as rent, loans and other transactions.

It is estimated that almost half of the adult population is banked in Mexico, that is, 49.1 percent of Mexicans between the ages of 18 and 70, according to data from the National Survey of Financial Inclusion (ENIF) carried out by the Inegi .

This percentage of Mexicans, which would be around 41.1 million peopleOver the years, it acquired new tools developed by the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) to make payments and transfers, three of them are SPEI, CoDi and DiMo, each with its own characteristics and functionalities.

What are CoDi, DiMo and SPEI for?

Each of the platforms have differences, which you can take advantage of to expedite your purchases.


The Interbank Electronic Payment System (SPEI) is a tool that allows people to make bank transfers from your cell phone almost instantly.

Virtually all banks in the country can make and receive money transfers through SPEI, a feature that It is in banking applications, which in addition to avoiding the need to withdraw money from the ATM or go to the banks to make the transactions.

Since its implementation and to date, SPEI is the main system for making electronic transfers. Its main advantage is that it takes seconds and only asks for data like: Name, amount, account (either card number or interbank CLABE), reference number and concept of payment if required.

SPEI includes other transfer servicessuch as CoDi and DiMo.


A tool that has become popular since the COVID pandemic because you do not need to make contact with any person or object to make payments from your cell phone, Digital Collections (CoDi) works with the QR and NFC code systemwhich allow you to transfer money instantly, without the need to save data from other banks.

To make this type of payment, it is enough to have the function in your bank’s mobile application. With her, and through your camera, You can scan the codes and with this the payment will be made automatically.

This function is ideal for establishments, since in addition to being effective, it avoids the possibility of your card being cloned. This tool is linked to the SPEI system, so you have the same security as with a common transfer.


Banxico’s most recent tool consists of the association of a telephone numberwhich will be your reference when making and receiving transfers.

Mobile Money (DiMo) was launched at the beginning of this year, and offers the possibility for users to make and receive transfers under the SPEI infrastructure. without the need to know the bank details of the other personNot even having a bank account.

The only thing necessary is phone number associated with the bank account. With it, the transfer instruction is sent to the SPEI, which ensures that your money reaches the bank and is subsequently notified.

Being a relatively new procedure, it is possible that not all banks have it; however, you can go to your bank to request that they link your number to your account if the service is available.

2023-08-14 01:09:25
#SPEI #DiMo #CoDi #differences #electronic #transfers

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