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The Rise of Crude Oil Prices and its Implications on Petrol: A Looming Crisis?


A disastrous situation with +8% on the market for the price of crude oil: the twist that no one wanted. Asian stock exchanges going crazy, will we head towards a new depression?

A terrible year for petrol, with increases now becoming very unpredictable, especially after the latest alarming news from OPEC+.

In fact, it would seem that the decision of various Arab countries to cut up to 1 million barrels in gasoline production until the end of the year, namely: Saudi Arabia will cut its daily oil production by half a million barrels, the United Arab Emirates by 144,000 and Kuwait by 128,000 barrels.

A situation that also directly involves Russia, which had previously hinted that it would cut petrol production.

All these variables could therefore lead petrol and diesel to very high peaks in terms of prices, which are currently around 1.85 liters for petrol and 1.80 liters for diesel.

OPEC+ and petrol: how is the situation developing and what does the press think about it?

The press has obviously also intervened in recent days on the unexpected increase in crude oil prices and there is no shortage of alarmism regarding the official notes circulated.

As stated in an official note by the Nova Agency: The decision was announced on the eve of an OPEC+ remote meeting to monitor the latest developments following the October 2022 decision to cut oil production by 2 million b/d.

For the daily fact: “OPEC+’s move aims to reduce supply to support oil prices, now traded at 82 dollars a barrel (Brent), ie the lowest values ​​for about 15 months”.

Obviously, all this because the rule that leads to increases in petrol is very simple: the fewer barrels produced each day, the easier it is for the price to rise dramatically.

good government petrol

And what happens in Italy? Considering that concern is already high after the Meloni government’s decision to block the discounts on petrol which were going to affect the state coffers by 700 million, it may still not be possible to contain costs, which could even go beyond the ceiling again of 2 euros per litre.

However, the executive has promised that if this were to happen, discounts on petrol for everyone would come back into play.

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