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The Rise Dominates Piazza Affari

Good performance for banking sector stocks, after the strong volatility recorded in recent sessions. Stocks in the oil sector are recovering

The major indices of Borsa Italiana and the main European financial centres record fractional increases.

At 11.25 the FTSEMib it gained 0.55% to 26,351 points, after fluctuating between a low of 26,287 points and a high of 26,499 points. At the same time the FTSE Italia All Share was up 0.49%. Minimal variations for the FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-0.05%) and for the FTSE Italia Star (+0,02%).

Il bitcoin it stands at 27,000 dollars (just under 25,000 euros).

Lo spread Btp-Bund it approached 185 points, with the yield on the 10-year BTP rising above 4.15%.

L’euro it remains above $1.08.

Always focus on banking sector stocks, after the strong volatility recorded in the last sessions. Monica Defend – Head of Amundi Institute – Vincent Mortier – Group Chief Investment Officer – and Matteo Germano – Deputy Group Chief Investment Officer of Amundi – signaled that the fundamentals of European banks are solid and that banks, including Deutsche Bank, have capital levels and liquidity exceeding regulatory requirements. “We also note that the ECB and other central banks have given explicit reassurances on their readiness to address any liquidity shortages in the system. Furthermore, all European regulators have reassured bank investors that they will respect the capital logic in the event of resolution or merger, confirming that the Credit Suisse episode was an exception”, the experts specified.

Discreet upside for Intesa Sanpaolo (+1,01% a 2,2945 euro). In the sessions between 20 and 24 March 2023, the institute led by Carlo Messina purchased 128.23 million treasury shares, at the weighted average price of 2.3054 euros per share. The total value of the transaction amounts to 295.62 million euro. The share purchased is equal to approximately 0.68% of the share capital.

Better performance for UniCredit (+1,21% a 16,628 euro).

Stocks in the oil sector are recoveringafter the price of crude oil in New York (contract expiring in May 2023) reached 73 dollars a barrel.

ENI gains 2.06% to 12.562 euros.

Positive performance also for Tenaris (+2,43%) e Saipem (+1,24%).

Highlights too Telecom Italia TIM (+2,5%).

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