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The Rise and Fall of Right-Wing Radical Parties: A Detailed Analysis

Sonic22 Oct. 2023 – 2:19 p.m

Yet another failed right-wing radical party. And of course there are very few “right-wing” reactions among these types of articles. That’s how it always is with “right”. A big mouth when it comes to the left. A big mouth when it comes to completely virtual polls. And just look away and remain deeply silent at yet another right-wing radical failure. And then also switch to the BBB. Which is no longer a middle party, but piles blunder upon blunder and is now making a move to the ‘right’ again. BBB only has to look at the failure of parties such as LPF, Leefbaar Nederland. TON, PVV, VNL, Forum to see Let’s see how that turns out. And then I forgot CD. And Lijst Ratelband too. And all the failures of Hero Brinkman too.

2023-10-02 20:15:00
#continue #rumble #JA21 #elected #members #defecting #BBB #Joop #BNNVARA

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