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“The Right Way to Behave When Being Overtaken While Driving in Jakarta”


Overtaking is one of the common actions taken while driving. Keep in mind that this act of overtaking is an action that has a high risk, especially when you have to overtake by taking a lane from the opposite direction.

For this reason, ethics and overtaking procedures really need attention. But, it’s not only the person who is overtaking who needs to understand ethics when overtaking, the driver who is about to be overtaken must also understand how to behave when being overtaken by another vehicle.

According to the Director of Training Safety Defensive Consultant Indonesia (SDCI), Sony Susmana, there are several things that might be done when we realize that our vehicle is about to be overtaken. One is slightly shifted to the left to make way.

“When someone wants to catch up with us, our attitude as the people who are being overtaken is best to give way by shifting to the left a little,” said Sony to detikOto.

According to him, giving way by shifting slightly to the left is actually very enough. The driver who is about to be overtaken does not need to slow down or speed up.

“We who are being overtaken also don’t need to slow down the vehicle. For example, we are on the left side of the road at 60 km/hour, just stay at that speed,” explained Sony.

In addition, Sony explained that the actions of giving a safe signal using a turn signal, as is often the case on provincial roads, are unnecessary actions when you know another vehicle is about to overtake.

“There is no need for communication using turn signals to signal safe or unsafe, as is often the case on provincial roads,” he said.

Actually, not taking any action when you want to be preceded is not a problem. Provided that the driver is able to avoid behavior that will harm and endanger other vehicles that will overtake.

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2023-05-14 04:13:27
#Overtaken #Vehicles #Dont #Angry #Heres #Ethics

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