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The Right to Work – Let the world be the way WE WANT it, or better

OpinionsThis is a debate post. The post expresses the writer’s attitudes.A slightly worn expression: Peace on earth. Some will probably say impossible. I would say quite possible!

Some people think it is possible to move to another planet, but where? There is no other planet in our solar system that can feed a population! We have to settle for being here where we live now.

Rationale: Our planet is in the so-called comfortable zone, the next planet beyond is Mars. It is too cold and unwilling to harvest, which is necessary for us, not to say zero yield.

Jupiter is our largest planet, but unfortunately a gas planet – impossible for anything! Saturn is in the same class and without further ado. Uranus just like the aforementioned. Neptune. I would like to make a brief remark about it: (No possibility of human settlement). However, this planet has meant something to the journey beyond V.1 and V.2 onwards to the “unknown”. Both Voyager probes passed Neptune, after 12-13 years of travel. Voyager 2 has later achieved approx. 63,800 km / h (high speed, but lice on the driving stick). With this speed towards our nearest star, with any habitable planets, will take about 70,000 years. At the same speed as BEFORE the passage of Neptune, the spacecraft would have spent 91,000 years.

Is there then nothing closer ??? NO!!! it does not.

The only object that was relevant was: Alfa Centauri. A star in the constellation Centauren, which “lies” only 4.2 light-years from us. Actually, this was a star, but after a new discovery, three stars have been found: Alpha C: 1 and 2, and a third, Proxima. It is this that could possibly have one or more planets around it. But the researchers have probably gone away from this. Reason: Proxima is partly a warm and a red-hot sun that does not give its “planet” enough heat for any settlement, despite the fact that it is in the “comfortable zone”.

When it comes to our solar system, be aware that this is a completely separate part of our galaxy, and which is located far, far away from our closest neighbors. Our nearest star in the galaxy is Alfa Centuri, which of course is not in our solar system. This star was named before Rigel Centaurus. (This is an Arabic name, Rigel in Arabic means foot or knee, is also found in another constellation in the galaxy, namely Orion, the warrior with bow and arrow. The four main stars there are Bethelgaus, Bellatriks, Rigel and Shaif.

Our closest neighbors outside our galaxy are the Mangelean shooters (two or three galaxies “below” the South Pole). The next, and as we can see with the naked eye, is Andromeda, a gray disco-like cliff eastward in late fall. (it is located a little to the left of Pegasus, the “horse” and close to the constellation Andromeda, but much further away from us – 2.65 million light-years away. The Andromeda galaxy is very similar to our own Milky Way, but is slightly larger. This galaxy and ours is on a collision course! But, despite the fact that we are approaching each other at 400,000 km / h, it will take four billion years before the collision.

I forgot to say what a Centaur is, namely a horse with four legs and a half male body up from the horse’s chest. This male body carries with it both head and arms.

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