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The right of children from low-income families to lunch must also be …

The youth policy spokesman is aware that serving food means some organizational effort and is only possible to a certain extent due to the hygiene requirements: “Nevertheless, this is an offer that the children are entitled to and in which every single food serving helps the children and young people.” The example of the Wellenbrecher youth club from the AWO district youth organization and the DRK youth club Juze in Hainholz have shown that it is fundamentally possible to serve a warm lunch to children entitled to BuT. “The main aim is to reduce the effort for serving food and billing as much as possible through good coordination with the BuT service office of the Hanover region,” explains Finck. His goal is that not only the city but also independent organizations involved in open child and youth work. But that only works if the organizational framework is in place. Finck is thinking of serving food in easily accessible youth centers or school buildings.

“The city of Hanover does not incur any costs for the lunch itself, since the federal government assumes responsibility for lunch and the staff are available in the facilities,” says the youth policy spokesman. The SPD is now approaching the partners of the Greens and FDP with this draft proposal. The application is to be decided as an urgency application in the administrative committee on February 11, 2021.

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