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The right diet if you have gallstones

Do you use parsley sprinkled in food just to get a more intense taste? But you know how beneficial it is for your health to eat parsley daily and in what amount!

To avoid gallstones, it is recommended that you follow the doctor’s advice exactly and change your eating style. Find out which foods are allowed and which are forbidden!

The gallbladder (gallbladder) is located under the liver, being connected to it by the hepatic duct. It collects bile, a liquid that contains cholesterol, bile salts and lecithin, which it then releases into the small intestine and thus stimulates digestion. Gallstones occur when the bile contains excess cholesterol, and it crystallizes and sticks to the gallbladder. They block the release of bile and, for this reason, infections and other associated complications occur.

Symptoms announcing gallstones include severe pain in the right abdomen or back, nausea and sweating that occur within 30 minutes of eating. Cholecyst surgery is required only when the symptoms are more and more frequent, and the disease cannot be controlled by diet.

As many vegetables as possible

In order for the iron and the liver not to be overloaded, those who have gallstones are recommended foods that are as fresh as possible and with a low fat content. Vegetables have a lot of fiber, as well as water, which makes them easy to digest. Permitted vegetables include carrots, potatoes, zucchini, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and green beans. They can be a garnish for lean meat, such as poultry or fish, with a low fat content (salami, trout, perch, turbot).

As for dairy products, they must be as skim as possible: yogurt, whipped milk, fresh and unfermented cottage cheese. The fruits must have a high water content, the most suitable for gallbladder patients being apples, pears, grapes, melons, plums and peaches. Bakery products are allowed as long as they are made from wholemeal flour. You can easily consume honey, jam or jams, if the latter are produced at home.

Find out on Clicksanatate.ro what foods to avoid in case of gallstones!

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