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The right attacks the pink robes. The Albano, Apostolico and Attura cases

“Do not do to others what you would not want done to you” recites the ancient saying which dates back to 1525 when the very learned Mario Equicola he included it in his “Libro de natura de amore”. A copy should be given as a gift to Giorgia Meloni and to his wild parliamentarians from the Brothers of Italy who, to defend themselves and the prime minister, but above all the government, have embraced the line of media attack against the robes, even the pink ones. And Forza Italia and Lega have now also pushed along this iconoclastic line, going well beyond the reactions of Silvio Berlusconi against the magistrates. Of which one case is especially remembered, the attack on the judge Raimondo Mesiano guilty of having condemned Fininvest to a millionaire fine for damage to Cir Carlo De Benedetti. And that ended on Mattino Cinque while he was sitting at the bar wearing blue socks. The idea was to make it look a little strange…

Now the technique has become much more aggressive, and indeed not very refined, and above all careless of the consequences and dangers. From the series hit the monster on the front page. And if in a very recent case, that of the Palermo prosecutor Marzia Sabellaverbally attacked by Northern League supporters because of her requests for a six-year sentence in the trial against Matteo Salvini, it was necessary to activate an escort, in others it ended the opposite. For example, the stock was withdrawn at Emanuela Atturathe investigating judge of Rome who had requested the compulsory indictment of the undersecretary Andrea Delmastro Delle Vedove in the Cospito case, despite having been the protagonist of the investigation into the Casamonica clan. In July 2023 a ruling will be made on Delmastro, in November the protection will be removed.

But there’s worse. Under hand, just in these days, here is the attack against Silvia Albano“guilty” of being at the same time a judge of the immigration section of the Rome court, but also president of the democratic judiciary. He thinks about it immediately the newspaper to highlight what he considers an unacceptable dichotomy and obviously also publish his photo. From the “wanted” series. Everyone should know that she was also the one who decided on the return to Italy of the migrants brought to Albania. If he rejected Meloni he would have done so only because he wears a red toga. An assumption which in itself already denies, for any magistrate, the possibility of joining a current. And a doubt arises. The current undersecretary to the Presidency Alfredo Mantovano he was a parliamentarian for the National Alliance for years, also a member of the party, then he returned to be a judge in the Supreme Court. Were his decisions impartial? By embracing the criteria of his Melonian colleagues today, the doubt becomes legitimate. But there is no trace of attacks in Mantovano.

And that’s not enough. Because if today Silvia Albano may feel some fear while walking down the street, she certainly didn’t have it any better just a year ago, the judge Iolanda Apostolicoprotagonist in Catania of an unprecedented media attack for having disapplied the Cutro decree, also in this case in deference to the European Courts, to the point that the Forzista Maurizio Gasparriwith a dozen press releases in a few days, went so far as to ask for his dismissal from the judiciary, while the League demanded his resignation.

And then we come to a worrying conclusion. The Keeper of the Seals Carlo Nordio con Republic maintains that “the judge must only be the mouth of the law, otherwise he interferes with the legislative power, the expression of the popular will, to which he must respond”. And if instead that judge deviates from the law and interprets it, especially following the dictates of the European Courts, then what happens? That toga ends up being held up as politicized and pilloried. How to hit her? With media delegitimization, with the aggression of friendly newspapers, with wanted photos. An unacceptable reaction if we still live in a democracy and not in an authoritarian regime.

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