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“The revolutionary process wore itself out and collapsed”

Johel Orta, a political analyst and lawyer, urged the opposition to “leave sancochos and piñatas” and come to an agreement so as not to lose the opportunity to defeat President Maduro in the next 2024 elections.

In the program “Conversando con Emilio”, directed by the renowned journalist Emilio Materán, we enjoyed a tasty interview with the lawyer Johel Orta, who did not hold anything back and, on the contrary, gave a lecture on politics, regarding the enormous errors that the Venezuelan opposition has committed, and the even more marked failures of the government to stay in power.

“You have to take this seriously”

For the political analyst and lawyer, the problem of the opposition begins with the “unconstitutionality of its disqualifications.” According to the expert, this is compounded by the lack of seriousness of the opposition candidates, who “are more focused on sancochos and piñatas than on calling out to all those young people who prefer to leave the country and do not want to vote.” This means that personal interests continue to reign, and they are not focused on the true mission that is to “generate a process in which we all find ourselves as Venezuelans,” said Orta.

Likewise, the lawyer reiterated that Diosdado Cabello, in his program “Con el Mazo Dando”, is the one who dictates the agenda to the Venezuelan opposition, and they end up stepping on the shell. You can’t keep falling into the same thing, that’s where defeats after defeats of the opposition derive from. That calling for abstention in 2005 has been one of his biggest mistakes. They left all the institutions and the disintegration of the democratic state began, ”he pointed out.

The “process” sinks

The political scientist also mentioned that the “Venezuelan State is already an anarchic process”, because during the last 23 years, the same adverse political situations have been experienced, between two sides. All this has had an impact on the fact that in Venezuela, there is no independence of powers and it is precisely thanks to the errors of the opposition, which have not understood that “this is a process already worn out due to the lack of political alternation. Fact that they have not been able to take advantage of, ”said Orta.

The guest also highlighted that this, being “a completely worn out and collapsed government, which can no longer take it anymore, presents a valuable opportunity to defeat President Nicolás Maduro.” Likewise, Orta stressed that if President Chávez were alive today, no one would beat him, but that is not the reality.

For the lawyer, “the recent policies of the current government, what they have done is to dismantle the entire process that began 23 years ago with President Chávez”, which has resulted in a “Revolution collapsed by that permanence in power, which wore her down and corrupted her.”

Construction of a new covenant

Lawyer Emilio Materán asked the guest his opinion about the unitary candidacy of so many disqualified and also mentioned the atypical case of Benjamín Rausseo, who is leading the polls for now. In this regard, Orta considers that “in the case of Benjamín Rausseo, from his perspective,” he made a very serious mistake when entering the primaries, since he could do it alone. Rausseo would have become the refuge of that 70% Venezuelans who do not want anything with the traditional politics that we have known up to now”, he highlighted.

Regarding this, the analyst pointed out that currently, the political situation in the country “is abuzz, and that the priority is to find an urgent consensus. A candidate who, in any case, understands that it is not a question of asking for forgiveness, but of exercising a correct policy to get out of this critical situation, due to the collapse that the revolution launched by President Chávez generated throughout the country. Likewise, he explained that “currently there is a hotbed. We are living the same in the 90s, when the Caracazo took place. However, this situation is much worse than at that time, since today the Bolívar does not exist. Here there is no monetary policy, there is no homeland plan; that vision collapsed”, highlighted Orta.

The tragedy of anti-politics

The guest expressed that Benjamín Rauseo “reflects what people want. Something different, but Venezuela is precisely experiencing the tragedy of anti-politics since the chiripero with President Caldera, then with the vote of President Chávez, who for everyone was like the wandering avenger and well, we already know what happened between Capriles and Maduro ” he added.

Orta explained that in the surveys “no more than 7% of the people will participate in the primaries. The government will definitely use that, because it has always been very skilled at manipulating this type of situation and staying in power.” “We must accept that they are lousy rulers, but they are very skilled at staying in power.”

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