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the Revenue Agency knows everything

The war on tax evasion has become one of the main objectives of this government. The methods, however, are often very particular.

Cash payment (Photo source: web)

The war against cash is one of the main prerogatives of this government, created to try to counteract this particular and at times obsolete habit. The future will be all digital, money movements will take place exclusively by credit card or debit card. The latest initiatives such as cashback and the lottery of the receipts go right into this direction, even if the results were ultimately unsatisfactory.

What, however, often does ignore is that our State, through the Revenue Agency, to fight precisely tax evasion and therefore to monitor the entries and exits of every single citizen tends to control even our withdrawals at the ATM. The agency can also ask for specifics controls for citizens who become protagonists of cash withdrawal activities considered too exuberant in some way, never more than 10 thousand euros per month.

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Revenue Agency: eyes also on those who rarely withdraw cash from the current account

I know the agency it keeps under control those who withdraw large sums of money from current accounts, in the same way it also takes care to check colors which rarely appear in front of ATM. The reason is very simple. Not having the need to withdraw money, it can be assumed that the citizens in question face the various daily expenses by drawing from elsewhere. This “elsewhere” could be, for example, a job in nero.

It State in short, he has his eyes on everything we do and how we do it. Any action deemed improper by theRevenue Agency it can turn into an action of control, of check to the detriment of the citizen identified.

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Each of our action, in fact it is controlled. The hypothetical percentage of our balance in the bank or at the post office is therefore also considered, necessary for everyday expenses and therefore, in theory, monthly to be withdrawn. When this doesn’t happen, an alarm bell goes off. At that point the State itself, through its bodies in charge, will want to know from us the reason for that conduct, and at that point, if there were any offenses, each node would come to comb.

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