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The Return of Saeed Hamed: A Special Interview with Mohamed Heneidy on the Film ‘Marai Al-Primo’

The comedian star said that Egypt has comedians of high caliber, whether in the old generation or the current generation of young people

Al Arabiya.net – Muhammad Hussein

Posted on: August 07, 2023: 12:01 PM GST Last updated: August 07, 2023: 12:30 PM GST

After a special and exceptional cinematic case that witnessed the return of the great director Saeed Hamed to the big screen after an absence of 18 years, through the movie “Marai Al-Primo”, with the star Mohamed Heneidy, Al-Arabiya.net was keen to conduct a special interview with Heneidy to reveal the scenes and details of the film until It was released, its special memories with the true character of the film, the fact that it will be directed to production during the coming period, and other details:

First of all, tell us about the movie “Marai Al-Primo”?

The film is a suspenseful comedy about the character “Marei” who works in the watermelon trade and faces many exciting comic situations and paradoxes during his work. We present a beautiful story from Upper Egypt with its simplicity, nature, generosity and morals.

The movie is your story.. Where did you get it from?

Indeed, it is a true story of a watermelon seller called “Ahmed Marei”, I know him for the truth and he is from the Imbaba region, and I used to adore him and he has boundless wit, and this idea kept haunting me until I decided to turn it into a cinematic work, and it lasted with me for 4 years until it was completed, and he had been living inside me since University days and as we call it “was not my age”, because I lived next to him, and when I found the main threads that make this story into a good work I was instantly excited.

Do you remember some of your childhood in the special region of Imbaba, from which the story of the movie was inspired?

I was living a different childhood filled with fun and playfulness, especially since I was the only boy after 4 girls’ brothers, so I captured the attention, and around our house there was a fruit market dominated by the Sa’idah, and those memories were engraved in my mind without realizing the extent to which I was affected by it, except when I played Sa’id roles, The audience thought that I was living in Upper Egypt, although I had never visited it, but because of my strong influence on them, I was able to embody these characters, and among them was “Ahmed Merhi”.

Mohamed Henedy

She presented different cinematic experiences and promised the audience a surprise in “Marai El Primo”.. Tell us about it?

I decided to present a different personality, especially after my last film, “Doctor Nabil El Gemayel”, and focused on the details of the film in terms of the story, the dialect, and even the form in which he appeared in the character, in addition to the return of the great director, the companion of the great successes in my cinematic career, Saeed Hamed, and the artist Ghada Adel, who made me recall Memories of Marei El Primo.

What were the scenes of the film like? Was there any room for improvisation?

The scenes are delicious and fun, because they brought me together with “ten years of age” and true friends, so it was a real return to my generation, which I adore and brought back memories with. As for improvisation, there was room for that, but within the context of events and personalities, and we all enjoyed the work.

The movie “Marai El Primo” is your second production experience?

The matter came by chance when I found a subject that I love and wished to present it and its idea attracted me, but the field is open to everyone and I will cooperate in works produced by others. We have great and giants of artistic and cinematic production in Egypt.

We are used to seeing you in cinematic comedies.. Have you not thought of improvising?

We need laughter, and God gave me the ability to make the audience happy, so why should I stop it? Comedy is difficult, but it is important when discussing serious issues in a light-hearted manner.

You had a project for the movie “Uqlat al-Asaba” and the teaser promo was published for it.. but it stopped, so what happened?

The film is a special case for me, and it took more than 4 years in preparation with producer Walid Sabry. The work revolves around the character “Uqla al-Asaba” that we all grew up with, and it was formulated in a different context and an interesting scenario with many events, and we have already started filming it.

Does that mean you didn’t cancel this movie after you submitted “Dido”?

No, the film is still standing and we will resume filming in the coming period, and the idea of ​​the film is not exclusive to anyone, but is available to everyone, and it can be presented in more than one image, especially as we present art for the audience’s enjoyment.

Who is the actor who has the ability to make Heneidy laugh?

Any artist who has the ability to make the audience happy and be a reason for laughter and smiles will make me laugh, because I am an audience before I am an actor, and we have comedians in Egypt of high caliber, whether in the old generation or the current generation of young people, especially since I adore comedy, so whoever presents it correctly is kidnapped. my attention.

Are you alienated from the title of the generation of Mohamed Heneidy in the cinema?

I do not like it, because we are a generation that completes each other, and each of us is distinguished in a kind of art, whether drama, cinema, theater, comedy and tragedy, and they left a clear imprint on it, and they are still presenting and we are all developing the film industry, we are not from the generation of time, the generation like Rushdie Abaza or even the screen monster The name of any of us carries over an entire generation.

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