The Return of the Martian: Ignazio Marino candidate for the European elections between the lists of Green Europe and the Italian Left united in the alliance with the civic networks.
Environmentalism, urban and social regeneration, public health and civil rights, peace in Ukraine and the green light in Palestine for the solution of two states and two peoples, with the EU acting as guarantor: Marino’s name shuffles the cards in Rome and puts pressure on the Capitoline Democratic Party.
There is no official announcement yet, indeed the Italian Left and Green Europe have not confirmed it. But they don’t deny it either: the regional secretary of the Italian Left Danilo Cosentino asks for discretion, tight-lipped by the Green Europe spokesperson Angelo Bonelli.
Virginia Raggi from 5S symbol to threat with a million followers: why Giuseppe Conte banned the former mayor from the European elections
by Lorenzo D’Albergo

The fear of burning everything is strong and the game isn’t over yet. But the rumor is also circulating insistently among the circles of the Capitoline Democratic Party which now fears having to face his nemesis: the return of the “great unfinished”, the former mayor of Rome.
Moreover, in the next European elections scheduled for Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June, the left is focusing on mayors. Marino’s name would go hand in hand with the now certain candidacy in southern Italy of Mimmo Lucanoformer mayor of Riace and thoroughbred of the watermelon alliance, green on the outside and red on the inside.
«Our candidacies will have as a point of reference peace and the need to bring to Europe a different point of view from the current one, closer to the real needs of the people but without leading to populism and the right-wing wind which unfortunately is gaining ground in all countries”, he explains Danilo Cosentino regional secretary of the Italian Left.
The identikit traced corresponds perfectly to the former mayor of Rome, a figure of synthesis for the souls of the left disappointed by the line of Elly Schlein and for environmentalists and radicals disappointed by the agreement Bonino with Renzi. Fratoianni, Bonelli and even the former caudillo of the Roman left, Massimiliano Smeriglio, they know well that Marino acts as a glue to these souls of the left and environmentalism, starting with delicate issues for Rome such as the waste-to-energy plant, urban planning and beach management. Finally, with the former mayor the left would gain weight compared to Gualtieri’s PD: at the moment the Watermelon Alliance boasts only one councilor among the municipalities, Guglielmo Calcerano who manages Public Works in Ostia and on the coast.
The name of Ignazio Marino is tempting in this electoral round. A couple of months ago Michele Santoro he contacted the surgeon, his personal friend, to test the waters. But apparently he never came to terms with it again.
But the former mayor, with a strong and indomitable character, has accustomed everyone to sudden backlashes. This is also why their mouths remain sealed. The next few weeks will be decisive: mid-April Fratoianni, Bonelli and Smeriglio will present the lists. Marino would be at the college in central Italy but has to compete with Smeriglio, who in Rome can count on the radical left’s reservoir such as Ostiense, Garbatella and Tor Marancio, led by his protégé Amedeo Ciaccheri.
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– 2024-03-31 21:41:08