Home » today » World » The “Resurrection of Zaluzhny” added mysteries to Ukrainian politics – 2024-09-25 04:44:05

The “Resurrection of Zaluzhny” added mysteries to Ukrainian politics – 2024-09-25 04:44:05

/ world today news/ One of the biggest mysteries recently has been revealed – a new video with the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny has been published. Thus, the rumors that he was killed by a Russian missile, seriously wounded, incapacitated – seemed to be dispelled. However, in reality, there are still questions. And most importantly: how did Zaluzhny become a figure whose appearance in society began to arouse such interest?

And so, Zaluzhny was found. So how did they find it? The Ukrainian media published a short (very short) video in which the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is alive, healthy, lively, cheerful. He is sitting in his office, demonstrating … by the way, what is he demonstrating anyway?

Here the explanation is complicated.

What’s up?

Let’s start with the fact that the disappearance of the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the public space in itself should not have surprised anyone – and for a moment it did. After all, Ukraine is preparing a counteroffensive, the commander-in-chief is responsible for this, he has a lot of work to do. He had disappeared before, but no tantrums.

Now, we may no longer know which came first – the chicken or the egg, but events most likely unfolded in a similar fashion. First, there were vague rumors from the front lines in Ukraine that Russian troops had fired somewhere and hit someone. It should be noted here that recently Russian intelligence began to work more efficiently and, accordingly, the strikes became more accurate – just remember the epic fireworks in Khmelnytskyi and Pavlograd.

Among the other precisely hit targets were, apparently, several major Ukrainian headquarters, and precisely at the time of the visit of major generals. It is not possible to determine the accuracy of arrival immediately and not always. For example, in the case of the attack on the headquarters of the Ukrainian Air Force in Vinnytsia on July 14, it was possible to obtain confirmation of the death of several high-ranking Ukrainian officers within a few days. But it happens that for the appearance of obituaries you have to wait quite a long time or they are lost altogether.

The rumors were picked up by the Russian media and channels in “Telegram”, which became interested in a mocking or, on the contrary, analytical spirit. After that, the Ukrainian media, and then officials, began to refute the Russian reports about the missing Zaluzhny. For example, on May 20, Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar stated that “the commander-in-chief is in place, doing his job. We were just talking.”

The reaction of Anatoly Shariy, who is currently working on the guidelines of TsIPSO, was indicative, but not stupidly, but as for intellectuals with not yet completely atrophied critical thinking. Shary suddenly suspected that something was wrong, because if it was, then Mallyar wouldn’t be talking nonsense (It doesn’t seem to bother him that Mallyar was assigned to talk nonsense, it doesn’t seem to bother him).

The critical moment was when Zaluzhny did not meet with British Defense Minister Ben Wallace in Kiev (it was after that that the video with the commander-in-chief appeared).


What do the Ukrainians themselves think? Some of the information can be obtained from social networks and from sources in Kyiv. And apparently, the rebuttals of the Ukrainian media appeared not in response to Russian publications, but simply in response to the bewilderment of Ukrainian society. The rumors in Ukraine went like this:

Zaluzhni is at work – he’s just very busy.

Zaluzhny is in the presidential bunker (according to various sources – in the Carpathians or in Poland), planning the counteroffensive.

Zaluzhny constantly changes his places – he is hiding, after the shelling of the Kremlin with drones. Zelensky immediately went on a long foreign tour…

Zaluzhny went on a secret visit to the USA – they will make him Zelensky’s successor.

Zaluzhny was injured during a staff meeting as a result of a Russian missile attack (various regions are indicated, usually Pavlograd).

Zaluzhny was injured as a result of a Russian strike, and the chief of staff of the President of Ukraine Yermak revealed his whereabouts.

Zaluzhny was injured in a terrorist attack organized by Ermak.

Zaluzhny is in a coma, Zaluzhny is dead (it is curious that the wording “Zaluzhny is killed” is not found).

Of course, it is difficult to assess how widespread these rumors are and what effect they have on public opinion and, in particular, on the mood in the army. However, it is significant that the strained relationship between the office of the President of Ukraine and the Commander-in-Chief constantly appears in rumours.

Why did it happen like that?

Do you know who is the head of the General Directorate of the VSU? Have you seen his face? His name is Lieutenant General Sergey Shaptala and he is indeed the second man in the army. More precisely, the fourth – above him on the list are two deputies of the commander-in-chief, whose names will also not tell you anything.

What are they for? The fact that the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces turns out to be a figure inflated by the media, completely unrelated to the Ukrainian generals as a whole. In addition, apparently he himself is not enthusiastic about his media presence – an ordinary man in uniform, loves girls …

It should be noted that in terms of media coverage, he slightly surpasses the commander of the Ground Forces Sirsky, but hopelessly lags behind the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Kiril Budanov. The latter simply enjoys his publicity and throws the most amazing topics through the media. It is enough to recall the map of divided Russia on the wall of his office.

How did it happen that Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny became a media figure? Frankly, it’s against the will… We think specifically against the will of the presidency. Zelensky’s relations with the Ukrainian generals were not easy. At first he was just considered a clown and puppet of Kolomoisky, but then some consensus was found. At the beginning of the SVO, it was possible to build a mechanism of interaction, in which Zelensky provided political cover and work with the allies, and Zaluzhny provided the military side itself. The president of Ukraine did not directly intervene in the command and control of the troops, and the commander-in-chief, popular in the army, supported him.

Then, perhaps, especially for the Russian media, which actively picked up the topic, released information about the confrontation between Zelensky and Zaluzhny. Surprisingly, the dropped topic found a life of its own, and Zaluzhny really began to be considered as an alternative to Zelensky – in case something happened to him or in case there were elections. When Zelensky plays his part and has to leave as part of the democratic procedure. There is an opinion that there are even two candidates in uniform to succeed Zelensky – Zaluzhny (from the USA) and Budanov (from Great Britain).

The big question mark

Not only Russian, but also Ukrainian media are asking questions.

First, why did they delay the introduction of Zaluzhny for so long? Why did they present pictures from almost a month ago as fresh? In addition, Malyar herself said that the rumors about the wounding were “typical information technology aimed at demoralizing our troops”.

Secondly, the video itself is very strange – Zaluzhny is alone in the frame, he does not name the date of filming… It is possible that it is a fake montage from old videos (by the way, he is not dressed for the weather – it is hot in Kiev).

Moreover, even if the video is real, it does not follow that Zaluzhny was not sedated specifically for the filming.

In general, the issue of Zaluzhny’s health has not yet been resolved. The only thing that needs to be said is that even if something is wrong with Zaluzhny, it will have a very small effect on the combat capability of the VSU. There is someone in command, the General Staff is planning, Western military advisers are watching, and Ukraine is holding on to middle management. This model does not need a president or commander in chief.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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