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The resurgence of seasonal viruses

With the arrival of cold and humidity, Covid-19 is no longer the only virus raging in Vienne. Virologist Nicolas Lévêque and infectious disease specialist France Roblot specify how these diseases will coexist thanks to vaccines.

Romain Mudrak

Getting used to other viruses again

In recent weeks, we have seen a marked reappearance of viruses that had ceased to circulate for two years. This is the case with influenza, gastroenteritis or respiratory viruses such as childhood bronchiolitis. Why ? “ It’s a mystery and that’s why my job fascinates me so much », Answers Prof. France Roblot, head of the infectious disease department of the CHU de Poitiers. The virologist Nicolas Lévêque, for his part, puts forward a ” relaxation of barrier gestures “, but not only : ” I think we have collectively lost some of our immunity to these viruses. We will have to get used to them again and it may be a bit painful with more cases this winter. »

Covid, on the right track

At the end of last week, the incidence rate of Covid-19 in Vienne was 27 per 100,000 inhabitants (49 on average throughout France). These encouraging figures tend to show that the vaccine strategy is working. Young people aged 12-17, who were the last to be able to access vaccination, have caught up well. Three out of four received both injections. An acceleration has occurred since the start of the school year. ” At the same time last year, we were totally overwhelmed by events, notes Professor Nicolas Lévêque. We had to face more than 5,000 tests per day, compared to 200 to 300 currently. At the same season, we can see that we are not at all at the same level. We are probably closer to the end than to the beginning even if we can never rule out an epidemic rebound.. »

Flu-Covid, OK for the double dose

The seasonal flu vaccination campaign begins this week. Eligible people remain those over 65, people with chronic diseases, obese people, as well as pregnant women. ” Even if we are already vaccinated against Covid, we must also be vaccinated against the flu, recalls the head of the infectious disease department. And the Haute Autorité de santé recommends offering both doses on the same day. The principle of the vaccine is to create antibodies specific to each disease which will be ready to intervene if it appears in the body.

The vaccine, the only way out

« We will get out of the Covid when we have an optimal vaccination on a global scale so that the virus stops circulating », Insists Professor France Roblot. Obviously, we are not there yet. However, we now know one thing: if we are never 100% protected by the vaccine, vaccinated patients do not have a severe form. ” Can you imagine living without safe drinking water? Well know that vaccines have saved more lives than drinking water, continues the infectious disease specialist. According to the WHO, 3 million lives are saved each year thanks to vaccination, excluding Covid. In France, polio, diphtheria and smallpox have disappeared thanks to this. »


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