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The results of the municipal elections in France

From our correspondent
PARIS — Sunday, June 28, in France, held on second round of the administrative elections, which concerned about 5 thousand municipalities. The first round it took place on March 15, and raised much controversy over the government’s decision to confirm it, despite the Covid-19 pandemic triggered by the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Sunday abstention was very high, reaching a record level of 60% of the approximately 16 and a half million voters called to the polls.

Perpignan it will be the first city with more than 100 thousand inhabitants to be governed by a member of the National gathering. Louis Aliot, former partner of Marine Le Pen, according to the projections, he obtained almost 53% of the votes in the second round of the municipal elections, ahead of the outgoing right-wing mayor Jean-Marc Pujol who had been in power in the city since 2009 but stopped at 47%. Aliot appeared at the head of a heterogeneous list, with representatives who also came from the left, without the Rassemblement national logo. A way to widen its electorate and overcome the barrier of the republican front, that is the traditional alliance of the other parties against the Lepenist formation. The strategy worked and Aliot hastened to declare the first message that the Republican front fell in Perpignan tonight, and could fall elsewhere tomorrow.

In the other key cities of the vote, a Le Havre he first Edouard Philippe scored a clear victory against communist challenger Jean-Paul Lecoq; to Little the outgoing mayor Martine Aubry, an important personality of the socialist party and the left, may not make it against the ecological candidate Stphane Baly, discounting the great advance of the greens. In trouble in Lille, the left hopes to impose itself on Paris, Marseille and Lyon, managing for the first time to manage the first three French cities. The certain defeat of Agns Buzyn in Paris is a slap in the face Republic in March, the president’s party Emmanuel Macron, who suffered a sort of protest vote at the local level against the national government.

Article being updated …

June 28, 2020 (change June 28, 2020 | 9:19 PM)


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