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The results of the administrative elections

At 9 am the scrutiny of the administrative elections will begin in the almost one thousand municipalities in which the vote was taken between Sunday and Monday, after yesterday the referendum ballots on the number of parliamentarians and regional elections were scrutinized (who find a summary of the results at the regional, who the final data on the referendum). Almost a thousand municipalities voted, including 15 capitals and important cities such as Venice, Trento, Reggio Calabria, Matera and Mantua: the results will arrive in the course of the morning. Inevitably, today will also be a day of analysis, comments and reactions on yesterday’s results. The Post will follow the day with a liveblog, which you can find below.

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8.43 – In just over a quarter of an hour, however, the tellers of almost a thousand municipalities will meet for the fourth consecutive day to count the ballots of the administrative elections. Above all, the 15 capital municipalities should be kept in mind: Chieti, Matera, Crotone, Reggio di Calabria, Lecco, Mantua, Fermo, Macerata, Andria, Trani, Arezzo, Bolzano, Trento, Aosta and Venice. The counting of the regional teams in Valle d’Aosta will also begin this morning. In Sicily and Sardinia, the elections will be held in October.

The rules of the game are the same as always: in municipalities over 15 thousand inhabitants, if no candidate reaches 50 percent of the votes plus one, they will go to the ballot, to be held in two weeks.

8.37 – The newspapers this morning are all quite aligned in reading yesterday’s results: the PD better than expected, the M5S bad despite the victory in the referendum, Matteo Salvini weakened by the defeat of Susanna Ceccardi in Tuscany and by the enormous personal consent obtained by Luca Zaia in Veneto. But we can read the most bizarre title on Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno (here you can browse the other first pages).

8.31 – Good morning, welcome back. If you went to bed early last night, who find a summary of the almost definitive results of yesterday’s regional elections: to learn more you can read the articles dedicated to Tuscany, to Puglia, al Veneto, all Market, to Liguria and to Campania. who, however, find the final results of the referendum on the number of parliamentarians.

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