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the results of the 1st round in France

Useful information for the 2022 presidential election

The first and second rounds of the presidential election will be held on Sunday April 10 and 24, 2022.

Conditions for voting

On the occasion of the 2022 presidential election, all French citizens aged 18 and over are called to the polls. They will receive by mail the electoral programs of the candidates.

As a reminder, to be a voter you must be French, major the day before the poll and [s’être inscrit sur les listes électorales/https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F1367] at the latest before the 6th Friday preceding the 1st round of the election.

Note that 18-year-olds who have done their citizen census are automatically registered on the electoral rolls, most often in their parents’ commune.

Role and power of the President

On this occasion, French citizens elect their new president. The latter is the Head of State: he sees to the respect of the constitution, he ensures the regular functioning of the institutions and the continuity of the State, he is the guarantor of national independence and the integrity of the territory and the respect for treaties. He is also the chief executive. Thus, he appoints the Prime Minister, promulgates laws, signs ordinances, chairs the Council of Ministers, he can submit a bill to a referendum and he can dissolve the National Assembly. Finally, he is the Chief of Staff of the armed forces and chairs the Councils and the Higher Committees of National Defense.

Conduct of the elections

The presidential election is a first past the post election. The president is elected by direct universal suffrage. Thus the voters vote for the first time for the candidate of their choice but today no candidate was elected in the first round. It is therefore in a second round that the French are called upon to vote between the two candidates who collected the most votes in the first round.

In order to be elected President of the Republic, the candidate must meet a certain number of criteria: be French, be over 18, be an elector, not be placed under guardianship or under guardianship, not be deprived of their civic rights, meet the obligations imposed by the National Service Code, demonstrate “moral dignity”, submit a declaration of assets and declaration of interests. The last condition is the collection of 500 signatures of elected officials, coming from at least 30 different overseas departments or communities sponsoring the candidacy. The Constitutional Council then checks the validity of the candidacies and sponsorships and publishes their full list.

Polling station and results

On election day, polling stations will open at 8 a.m. Most offices will close at 6 p.m. except in some mid-sized towns and large cities (Paris, Marseille, Lyon, etc.) where they are scheduled to close at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. respectively.

The results will be available from 8 p.m. on the evenings of the first and second rounds.

For more information on the 2022 presidential election, also consult the website of the interior ministry.

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