Home » today » World » The restoration and conservation process of heritage buildings in the Typical Zone of Zúñiga begins – 2024-08-22 21:07:05

The restoration and conservation process of heritage buildings in the Typical Zone of Zúñiga begins – 2024-08-22 21:07:05

The Zúñiga parish hall hosted this important meeting that formally begins the process by which 16 officially protected properties within the category of Typical Zone According to Law 17,288 of the National Monuments Council, they will benefit from the execution of preventive restoration and conservation works on their facades and roofs.

The project is funded by the National Cultural Heritage Service, through the Heritage Fund 2023, in the submodality of Intervention in officially protected properties.

At this first meeting, architect Beatriz Valenzuela, who is leading the project, informed the community present, members of the Committee for the Reconstruction and Conservation of the Heritage of the Typical Zone of Zúñiga and its Surroundings, about the context of the project, as well as the components and deadlines for the execution of the works. For his part, the contractor in charge, who will be in charge of putting the project into practice, explained in detail the interventions to be carried out, as well as the specific dates for each of the works, which are expected to be completed in December of this year.

Finally, anthropologist Héctor Sancho, in charge of the citizen participation strategy, facilitated an open dialogue with the community about the importance of enhancing the town’s real estate heritage, especially for the new generations, in order to generate heritage processes that are sustainable over time.

In this regard, a commitment was made with the Zúñiga School to carry out a workshop on raw earth construction techniques with its students and the launch of a family competition to recreate the facades of the intervened buildings, in clay altarpieces, was announced, which will be exhibited at the project completion events.

The activity, which ended with a small get-together and a group photo, served to strengthen the bonds of trust between the project team, the Committee and the community and thus begin this project that, ten years after the last interventions, will change the face of the town of Zúñiga and allow the conservation of this town that is part of the cultural treasure of the immovable heritage of our region.

“We hope to celebrate the declaration of the Typical Zone of the Town of Zúñiga with most of the town’s historic houses preserved, and to do so we are requesting a grant from the Municipality of San Vicente de Tagua Tagua to supplement our financing,” said the president of the conservation committee, Amanda Droguett.

Architect Beatriz Valenzuela said that “the residents of Zúñiga have been motivated to invite the school community to learn about and appreciate the surroundings and we hope that they will actively participate in the Heritage and Altarpieces Workshop.”

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