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The response of the “Against” campaign to “Fuck you”

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The Chilean political atmosphere has heated up as the plebiscite on December 17 approaches. The crossfires between the “In Favor” and “Against” campaigns have fueled a controversy that has left many citizens in the middle of a crossroads of messages, some of which have generated an intense debate in society.

In recent days, the controversy intensified with the famous phrase “fuck you” used by the “A Favor” command, an expression that hardened the tone of the campaign, provoking diverse reactions on the political spectrum. This declaration has been the starting point for a new chapter in the electoral strip, where the “Against” command has responded forcefully.

The preview released by the “En Contra” team seeks to confront this controversial phrase, asking directly and repetitively: “Who do they want to screw?” This strategy aims to contrast the contents of the proposal that will be submitted to a plebiscite, challenging the validity and effects that it may have on citizens.

The reaction was not long in coming. Voices in the “Against” camp have emphasized the aspects they consider negative of the constitutional proposal, highlighting concerns about the possible limitation of rights, effects on the pension system, and the implications for the most disadvantaged communities in the country.

The video released shows a critical stance, pointing out that “the only thing this text does is take away rights from you and all women,” in addition to warning about negative consequences in areas such as the pension system and the financing of less privileged communities.

The “Against” strategy focuses on questioning the coherence and changes in discourse between the initial proposal and subsequent actions, raising questions about the sudden urgency of support for a proposal that, in their opinion, was not fully supported. by those who today promote its approval.

The debate around the December 17 plebiscite has become intense and complex. Citizens are faced with a scenario where the confrontation of ideas, the controversy of messages and the evaluation of the contents of the constitutional proposal become fundamental for an informed decision.

It is necessary for each citizen to carefully analyze the positions presented by both commands, considering the arguments put forward and the significance of the decisions that will be made at the polls on December 17.

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