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The resignation of the Ukrainian minister Avakov revealed a “Hungarian trace”

The official was not forgiven for the protection of “Native Transcarpathia”

For the second day in a row, all Kiev TV channels, without exception, are only talking about the sudden resignation of Arsen Avakov… Three days before the start of the “dead political season” (when the Verkhovna Rada goes on summer holidays and journalists will be cut off from most newsmakers until the beginning of September), some electronic media switched to the “marathon” mode. Or non-stop. And everyone, one way or another, commemorates the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a “kindly quiet word”. Which, in terms of the degree of influence on domestic politics, was equal to Prime Minister Denis Shmygal.

Sometimes Avakov even took over the functions of the head of government! This is because after the spring of 2014 (called the Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow “a coup d’etat in Ukraine”), border guards, rescuers, the Migration Service, and the National Guard came under the command of the head of the republic’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not surprising that if the parliament approves the resignation of the Minister of Internal Affairs (this will happen on Friday, July 16, in the morning), President Volodymyr Zelensky will first of all subordinate the National Guard to himself, his beloved. Otherwise, the hour is uneven, the officers and soldiers hardened in the “Donbass campaign” will take and join the “insurgent masses” this fall. All “revolutions” in Ukraine, as you know, are a seasonal phenomenon, directly related to the completion of the harvest.

“MK” has already outlined the key factors that could push Avakov to a fateful decision. There was only one “outside the brackets” – the “Hungarian factor”. According to the former governor of Lugansk and Transcarpathian regions, Gennadiy Moskal, Ukrainian journalists have unfairly underestimated the replacement of the “overseer in Transcarpathia” that happened a month and a half ago.

Details of the extremely dubious, from the point of view of morality, operation from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada were announced by the deputy from the pro-Russian “Opposition Platform – For Life” Nestor Shufrich. For more than 20 years of parliamentary activity, the politician has seen enough of everything. But for such a fierce struggle to flare up for the non-prestigious post of chairman of some inter-parliamentary friendship group, Nestor Ivanovich does not recall such a thing.

The group of friendship with Hungary consists of 63 members of the Verkhovna Rada, its co-chairs until the end of May were Valery Lunchenko and Nestor Shufrich. The only Magyars of the group (the first by the mother, the second by the grandmother). And now Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was inspired that the group was being led “in the interests of the Kremlin,” ordered 34 deputies from the Servant of the People to recall both co-chairs for the sake of introducing deputy Nikolai Tishchenko into the leadership of the group. The third most influential in the country (after Zelensky himself and the head of his Office, Andrey Yermak). Lunchenko and Shufrich were not even notified of the time of the extraordinary meeting of the inter-parliamentary group. They just “threw out” both of them.

In the status of the head of the group, Tishchenko immediately began to “restore order” in the mountainous region. Allegedly with the aim of turning the tide in favor of Ukraine, which is not allowed into NATO because of the “obstinacy” of Budapest.

In fact, according to evil tongues, Nikolai Tishchenko wanted to reassign to the “Servants of the People” smuggling flows to Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania. With all these members of the European Union, Transcarpathia directly borders on land or along the Tisza River.

From the very first days of “fruitful activity”, Zelensky’s emissary ran into opposition from the pro-Hungarian (not pro-Russian!) Political force “Native Transcarpathia”. It was founded last year by four Magyar-speaking deputies of the Rada – the aforementioned Lunchenko, Vasily Petevka, Robert Horvat and Vladislav Polyak.

It was not easy to “break over the knee” the new party: it was favored by none other than the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. After each rude “run over” to “Rodnoe Zakarpattya”, its leaders contacted Arsen Borisovich and he quickly “resolved” the conflict situation. Fortunately, the minister has accumulated a lot of experience. Avakov is a pupil of the “dashing 90s”, when it was not customary to stand on ceremony with successful businessmen in Kharkov and other large Ukrainian cities. In any city cemetery of the post-Soviet republic, there is a lot of evidence of this …

Tishchenko’s complaints about the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, allegedly “preventing the country from embarking on the path of European democracy”, were not the only reason for Zelensky to dismiss the minister. Ukrainian police (this “MK” already reported on July 13) they detained two members of the pro-presidential faction “Servant of the People” who were traveling in expensive cars around Kiev and Lvov in “zigzags”. One was drunk, the other was under the influence of cocaine.

The people’s representatives, with the help of lawyers, built their own version of what happened. Say, Avakov gave his subordinates the command to arrange a “roundup” on the “people of Zelensky” …

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