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The representative of the seniors is about medical masks: the whole of Europe is already interested in poverty in Lithuania

Medical masks mandatory trade, service provision, public transport and other places. She says the obligation to wear only medical masks or respirators has certainly caused some inconvenience to people of respectable age.

“It simply came to our notice then. One thing is that they need to be bought. Now it is necessary to wear masks neither to infect yourself nor to infect another. Everything is getting more expensive – both food and services, and our people are very poor.

There are such retirees, who pay for services and medicines, so they only have 70 to 100 euros for a whole month’s meal, ”commented G. Makaravičienė.

When asked if some retirees used more fabric or reusable masks, she said they did.

“Some children bought for some, but now there are a lot of lonely people in the districts. The children left, leaving those old ones alone. Of course, we did it ourselves, but it will not be available to everyone, because not everyone has something to buy for it, ”the president of the association explained.

When asked if it is not difficult for seniors to obtain a passport, G. Makaravičienė said that almost all retirees belonging to their association have been vaccinated. However, she says, not everyone can get vaccinated.

“There are people who have various diseases – both circulatory and allergies – they can’t get vaccinated. But there are very few left, a few dozen, “she said.

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

The whole of Europe became interested in poverty in Lithuania

Speaking about the benefit for single persons, G. Makaravičienė said that retirees are really happy with such help.

“I had two remote conferences today, there were representatives from Strasbourg and the European Union who were already interested in our poverty, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Social Security and Labor. <...>.

We still hope it will be better, but the more the pension raises, the more the price goes up. I do not know that without state intervention in pricing, we will never reduce poverty. Never, ”she assured.

It also welcomes the decision of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor (SADM) to re-index pensions.

“It simply came to our notice then. Now look at that rubezius, those refugees. The situation is difficult. <...>. In such a difficult period as now, is it possible to raise prices? By no means. Our millionaires are so drawn to independence.

So the state needs help at such a difficult time. I have said it many times Lithuanian people not to make money into slaves. Now, in such a difficult situation, the state needs to be helped, albeit to some extent, so that we can survive as well, ”said G. Makaravičienė.

She made no secret of the fact that there are retirees who also receive several pensions and it doesn’t matter to them, but for those receiving a small pension it is very important. It is certain that this winter can be very difficult for people of respectable age.

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