Englishman Kris Marshall knew the names of two Finns right away.

Kris Marshall is the star of the new After Paradise series. AOP and IL archive
British actress Kris Marshall has made a career in Finland and in the United States, and when the children were small, long absences from the family were difficult. Since then, the actor has tried to work even more close to home, he says in an interview with Iltalehti.
The latest role in the series After Paradise (Beyond Paradise) has been pleasing to Marshall from this point of view as well. It is a spin-off from the Murder in Paradise series.
– I’m only three hours away from home. I prefer to choose jobs that do not require me to be away from home for a long time. That’s why I don’t work as much in the US anymore. Otherwise, I would miss out on the children growing up, says 51-year-old Marshall in an interview with Iltalehti.
The After Paradise series follows the beginning of the new life of crime inspector Humphrey Goodman, played by Kris Marshall, and his fiancée Martha, on the Devon coast in Britain.
For children aged 10 and 7 Elsiell and To Thomas your own life and your friends are becoming more important, says Marshall.
– They are aware of my profession, but they don’t really care about it. One of them wants to be a fashion designer and the other wants to be a tube player, says Marshall.
He has been together with his spouse Hannah Dodkinin with since 2012.
Kris Marshall plays Detective Inspector Humphrey Goodman in After Paradise. Britbox
Among the wildest experiences in the life of the actor, known for example from the movie Love Actually, is an accident that happened almost 16 years ago. A car hit Marshall on the street and the actor suffered a serious head injury in the accident.
– I was actually very lucky, because the accident happened almost next door to the hospital and I was immediately taken to treatment and sedated. I don’t remember anything about the accident itself or the week that followed.
– I had some symptoms during the next six months after the accident, but I don’t think about it anymore, says the actor.
Fortunately, he recovered from the accident completely and relatively quickly.
Marshall has not been to Finland yet, but he intends to.
– Finland is on my list!
What do you know about Finland?
– Now you’re grilling me. Unfortunately, just clichés, Marshall laughs.
Next, however, he says that he knows Mika Häkkinen and Kimi Räikkönen and pronounces the names just right.
– I grew up with motor sports, the actor reveals.
He also knows how to tell that Finland is a beautiful forested country and Helsinki is a great city.
After Paradise can be watched on Britbox and Katsomo+.
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