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The report cards of the first live of XFactor 2021

AGI – The fifteenth edition of X-Factor begins with all the competitors in a garage, in front of a closed door, who join and consult to open it and enter the studios as in an escape room; which, apart from the poor gag, doesn’t even seem like that much of a metaphor.

Surreal atmosphere when it enters the scene Ludovico Tersigni dressed as Mon Cheri, perhaps because, intimately, someone still hoped that in the end Alessandro Cattelan would emerge anyway, but nothing. Emma, ​​when she takes the floor, on behalf of all the other judges and all the production of the show, lashes out against the rejection of the DDLZan.

Mika adds to the dose: “What I saw yesterday is not the Italy that I love and that welcomed me”, despite the way we add it. Evening during which the competitors will perform with their unpublished and there are no eliminations, in practice a trailer of the next edition of Sanremo Giovani. Guest of the evening Carmen Consoli, who appears on stage with Max Gazzè on bass and Marina Rei on drums, is the break to listen to some music.

Bengal Fire – Grade 7: Agnelli after the success of Maneskin tries again with Bengala Fire. In introducing them he says: “Never hold back your feelings”, then it seems that someone at home, taking him at his word, has destroyed the Afterhours record collection. The piece, “Valencia”, is tough, manages to be functional despite the pop context, which always creates a vaguely dystopian effect when a competitor proposes rock pieces, more suited to a suburban clubbaccio; nothing that is salable in Italy eh, let alone, but of a good standard. Great work by frontman Mario, who hugs himself like a sober version of Jim Morrison; but that animal instinct is missing, the one that Damiano of the Maneskin has, not to return to the subject (but we are sure we will return). However well, they did not deserve to be among the least voted.

Baltimore – Grade 5: His “Other” is pompous, lots of smoke but poor content, he looks like the coolest version of Leonard from Big Bang Theory, but with the same sex appeal. On stage, in fact, he begs for an attention that he just cannot keep on himself. At the end of the heat he is not among the least voted, which means that at home he has a large family who loves him very much.

Nika Paris – Vote 9: The Bulgarian spy sent to X-Factor to destroy our country from the inside with pop shots clearly and by far presents the best novel. A stuff in French with a deeply international breath, a song forged to work perfectly. Maybe she could melt a little more, she touches the inexpressiveness, it seems that she doesn’t give a damn. Maybe it is the right way to face the race.

Gianmaria – Grade 8: The new frontier of music is the declination in mere mode of expression, it can also represent a liberation, as in this “Suicidi”, which in fact is a very heartfelt piece, which exudes truth, and is a rather uncomfortable, disturbing truth. He has a very special aura, but vocally he is a disaster, you don’t understand a word when he sings and not even when he speaks, he doesn’t hit a note that is one, but it comes as a header.

Westfalia- Vote 5: Their “Goblin” is the classic song you listen to when you don’t really want to listen to music, the one that when the ignorant friend gets into the car asks you “What is this stuff?”. For them X-Factor could be a suicide, so much so that they are among the least voted of the first heat, but they could also make us think again with the covers.

VERSAILLES – Voto 5.5: For those who have wondered what happened to Casadilego, winner of the last edition, has become a man, it’s late at night and now goes by the name of VERSAILLES. Seriously, his “Truman Show” is a trap song, “How cool!” after 10 seconds you think, “Aren’t these Nirvana?” after 20, “But is it Achille Lauro?” asks someone distracted after 30. On the scene, behind him, a car smashed as if after a long flight from an overpass, which seems exaggerated, you can also simply change frequency. It ends up among the least voted, all in all deservedly.

Mutonia – Vote 6: The Iggy Pop of Ciociaria with his band offers a good song to be presented to a Los Angeles record company, and to be discarded. No, come on, it’s not a question of the piece, it might even be okay, it’s just that nothing really looks authentic, it’s not international stuff, it’s an aping of something international. In this direction we usually do not go beyond the stage of the audience under the house.

Fellow – Voto 7: For a long time X-Factor hasn’t heard something he knows he never heard, the piece is not excellent and he obviously has to mature, but there are solid foundations on which to build a project that makes sense outside the television rectangle.

Vale LP – Vote 8: Vale LP is strong, imagine Christina Ricci singing Aries. The almost clumsy voice, the inability to hold her breath well during the singing may not help her in the performance, but it seems that Muccino has already called her for the next film. Stilosa the cciovani would say.

Karakaz – Voto 6: After 11pm, their entry onto the stage officially transforms X-Factor into an abusive contest in Orietta Berti’s garden. It’s all a bit bogus, this rock pushed as if it were a competition to see who makes the most noise, a bit an end in itself, does not always pay off. In fact, they are among the least voted.

Erio – Rating 7.5: Erio looks like one of those guys from those animal welfare associations that you wholeheartedly hope won’t stop you on the street to get you to sign some petition. The song is valid, also because he is not exactly a rookie, in a program like X-Factor characters like him usually explode, collect an indecipherable number of articles and positive reviews, and then disappear into thin air. He could do it.

The Endrigo – Grade 5.5: Let’s steal the words from Manuel Agnelli: “You founded the paraculrock”. Perfect portrait.

Ludovico Tersigni – Grade 4: Sorry, because he is a boy who has another job, television is difficult, you need a completely different charisma. It is inevitable to think of a step back from Cattelan, who has decades of TV on his shoulders, so he might as well be there. Perhaps the real problem is that he never really looked loose and his touch of Romanism, just to remove that thin Milanese snobbish film from the show, is mostly out of place.

Hell Raton – Voto 5: Mika noticed the homage to the Matrix us the one to Don Matteo. His team does not have any particularly radio unreleased, which is a problem considering that the results of the race are also a reflection of the path that individuals take away from the live broadcast.

Emma Marrone – Grade 7: She walks to a different television gear, too kitschy at times, which at least makes her a character. Note of merit for the stance on the rejection of the DDL Zan at the opening, not because the rejection is right or not in itself, but because his words, which then stimulated Mika’s rise in prices, bring the world that is outside inside X- Factor, integrate the real world into the artificial world of entertainment, a lesson for the young target of the show on always keeping the antennas up, despite jokes and jokes.

Mika – Voto 7: he is the only one who puts pepper on a sleepy table, on the one hand they sing, on the other compliments are made, sometimes even obviously forced; but if there is no conflict, the television content becomes almost useless. At least he tries, his presence is measured beyond the television medium, which, even if rarely, wakes us from sleep.

Manuel Agnelli – Grade 5: Sort out caresses like an older Franciscan brother. Wake us up when the singer from Afterhours sits in his place.


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